Mit vereinten Kräften (...Combined forces...)


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Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2014
Hello guys, would like to present to you my finished dio!
After a pic I found in on the net (incorporated in the title on the base), buildings all scratch, Tamiya Opel Blitz (if interested see topic here
). Figures Alpine,Warriors, New World miniatures, Andrea and Dragon with Hornet and Alpine heads, some light some heavy modified with MagicSculp/GreenStuff mix.


i02.jpg i03.jpg i04.jpgi05.jpg

Hope you like it!

This sort of thing is what attracted me into the hobby and I never get tired of seeing work of this quality. I can appreciate the immense amount of work to get all those figures posed and positioned in a tight grouping, excellent work Erik.

Very nice touch with the cat in the foreground. I agree with Steve above and really like this dio
This sort of thing is what attracted me into the hobby and I never get tired of seeing work of this quality. I can appreciate the immense amount of work to get all those figures posed and positioned in a tight grouping, excellent work Erik.

You must have spent hundreds of hours on this one and it shows!!!Simply amazing!

I don't really like people who can scratch build buildings to this high standard, in fact the whole thing reeks of pure talent. The fact that you have my favorite motorbike-sidecar is also beside the point and the layout (angles) of the scene is what makes it pop. The door opening even gives the dio much more depth and solidness.
All in all I guess its …………………..ok :notworthy:
Very nice! Love the priest too (Service in 5 minutes! and all men having fun with that bike! How are the ladies to pass).
Nice to see that a clean base can also work wonderfully to set the scene (compared to the ehhh rubbish dumps à la Verlinden).
Hi Erik

Thanks for sharing this wonderful diorama and apologies for missing this thread

All have said about the quality ...presentation , talent in scratchbuilding ...all excellent

Would also like to see more pics of the figures

Why not enter FOTM and vote in the previous months

Happy benchtime
