Monarch Miniatures


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Robert Dominick

Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2006
Does anyone know if Monarch miniatures is still in business? If so, does anyone have the contact info? I tried looking online but did not come up with it.
I heard that Augie may have passed on. I know a great deal of his Estate was up for grabs on ebay about a year ago.
I believe that at least some of the Monarch molds were purchased by a NJ (?) company and are available under another name. I've seen this company selling at the Long Island, NY figure show. Can't recall the neame at the moment, but it may come to me later. Sorry to be so vague.
Hi Bob,
Not sure if you are referring to an older company of the same name. I extract the text below from a toy soldier website:
"Other American firms included Valiant Miniatures of Skokie, Illinois, Squadron/Rubin Miniatures of Michigan, Mini Men, produced in Ohio, Monarch Miniatures produced figures made by the British artist, Cliff Sanderson, and sold his series of ‘Pirates of Portuga’, and H R Products of Illinois manufactured a range of 54 mm weapons. "

Rgds Victor
I was not aware that August Benkhert (sp?) passed on. He was ill 2 years ago (had a minor stroke) & suspended business operations. I do carry his line, but have not been able to replenish for some time and have the understanding that he may have closed shop.

Robert, if you need his contact info, I do have his phone number (he lives in Long Island, NY). Send me an e-mail if you want to try calling.

Ok, I Finally remembered it! Age or too much thinner inhaled over the years!

It's a NY Company called Medieval Miniatures. The web site is:

You will not see anything marked as Monarch, but if you know the line, you will recognize the figures. I saw the wizards, etc. at LI, recognized them (I've painted most of the large ones), and asked the guy if they were previously Monarch. He said he had purchased the original Monarch molds.

IMHO some of these molds are a bit "tired" so expect more than the usual clean up. Still, a great line of figures. Hope this helps.

I understand this guy and others that Monarch is no longer in business.

Good luck.
Victor, Thanks. In my search on the web I too came across similure sites.

John, I am trying to find some of his civil war artillery stuff. I may try to get that number from you.

PJ Deluhery, Thanks again. I looked on the site you linked but he did not have any of the civil war stuff. It will be a shame if the Monarch line is gone forever. Even though the figures, etc. are old, he had a nice range to choose from.

I am looking for the Civil War Artillery horse team if anyone has one or knows someone who wants to depart with it.

Thank all!
August Benkert is very much alive and well and Monarch Miniatures is still making figures. I saw him yesterday at the Toy Soldier Show in Hackensack, N.J.
The contact information - Monarch Miniatures, P.O. Box 238, Malverne, N.Y. 11565-0238. Phone 516-593-4375. Email [email protected]
Giving a little bump to this thread. August Benkert passed away two years ago. I'm not sure what happened to his molds.

I am Sandra, co-owner of Medieval Productions/Perth Pewter/Rawcliffe Pewter/Nasteez
I saw PJ Deluhery say "It's a NY Company called Medieval Miniatures. The web site is:"
That is our website but I just wanted to make clear that our company name is actually Medieval Productions. Also, we do not have any of Monarch's molds nor do we have any of the original designs in order to make new molds. I'd would like to find out where on LI you saw us selling Monarch miniatures???
I wanted to make clear that if you saw ANY items (Medieval Productions, Superior Models, Perth Pewter, Nasteez or Rawcliffe Pewter) that looked like they weren't cast properly you may be referring to our hobby product. Those will look like raw metal because it is left as it came out of the mold with any flash or vent pegs still attached. All of our finished product should look perfect - flash and seams gone, peg removed, antiqued and coated. You can get anything we make as hobby rather than finished product, you just need to ask when you order for it to come as hobby.
Please let me know if anyone has any questions. We still make most of the old Superior Model line but in pewter now. We no longer cast them as lead of course.
...where on LI you saw us selling Monarch miniatures??...

Welcome to the Planet!

Pat most likely meant the Long Island Historical Miniature Society's annual show, held every November at the Freeport Recreation Center, Freeport, Long Island, NY. And there's probably a great deal of confusion on this topic and regarding the late Monarch Miniatures.

August Benkert, who was Monarch, passed away in 2015. His daughter sought a buyer for his catalog, including his molds and stock of remaining castings and other assets. He also had some molds that he acquired from other makers; I think he had some of Sanderson's Victorian figures, for example.

I don't think any one person bought the whole catalog, but after a while, the assets were sold off piecemeal. There is a gentleman who trades as Foggy Bottom Miniatures who has some of the catalog of molds, mostly fantasy pieces. He sells on eBay and also attends the Long Island show.

"there's probably a great deal of confusion on this topic and regarding the late Monarch Miniatures."

Boy can you say that again. We only today got an email inquiry about old Superior Models figure where they said something along the lines of "Perth Pewter burned down in 19xx" something or other. ::blinks::

There is so much confusion around who we did and didn't acquire. But we definitely didn't purchase Monarch/Sanderson.

But Peter apprenticed with Jon Carter and took over Perth and superior when Jon passed. We purchased Nasteez from Richie in about 2008ish and the fantasy line of Rawcliffe from Jack in RI in 2013. Whew!

Thanks for the welcome and I am happy to answer any questions.
I often wondered about August and Monarch .I made a few masters for him most of which actually pleased me which was strange as I usually see all the faults .One i did was a75 mm 'little Willie " the Kaisers son and a 54 mm Imperial German army dragoon.i just started repainting Willie after 40 odd years as an exercise to see if I can still paint .i often wondered what happened to all this as I reflect in my dotage .I am still sculpting ,All model train figures H0 -0 so small and after watching the slow march of 3D printing since 1994 amazed I still am.
I snap up the 54mm Imperial German figures when I can find them. I'd like to put a Seebatallion squad together for my parade display, for example.


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