A Fixture
The Mongol Cavalryman - 1200 AD
1/6th scale resin
12 parts
Sculpted & Painted by Le Van Quang
The Mongol Cavalryman - 1200 AD
1/6th scale resin
12 parts
Sculpted & Painted by Le Van Quang
Historical Note:
" The bust represents a Mongol cavalryman circa 1200 at the time of the
unification of the Mongol tribes and the rise of Genghis Khan to power.
The main clothing is the traditional Mongolian tunic made of coarse wool.
The armour is made mainly of leather and felt and reflects the materials and
technology of the steppe people.
The helmet is made of boiled leather (cuir bouilli), put in shape and
reinforced by metal strips.
Side protection is provided by articulated slabs of hardened leather. The
shoulder guards are made of small metal plates riveted on a fabric backing
and covered with felt in a brigandine fashion. The same technique is used
for the upper part of the torso armour.
The cuffs are made of leather covered with felt and reinforced with metal
The yak hair plume on the helmet reflects his status as a commander. The
leather whip is a symbol of the cavalryman.
" The bust represents a Mongol cavalryman circa 1200 at the time of the
unification of the Mongol tribes and the rise of Genghis Khan to power.
The main clothing is the traditional Mongolian tunic made of coarse wool.
The armour is made mainly of leather and felt and reflects the materials and
technology of the steppe people.
The helmet is made of boiled leather (cuir bouilli), put in shape and
reinforced by metal strips.
Side protection is provided by articulated slabs of hardened leather. The
shoulder guards are made of small metal plates riveted on a fabric backing
and covered with felt in a brigandine fashion. The same technique is used
for the upper part of the torso armour.
The cuffs are made of leather covered with felt and reinforced with metal
The yak hair plume on the helmet reflects his status as a commander. The
leather whip is a symbol of the cavalryman.
by Le Van Quang
The long awaited Mongol has arrived. Packed in PiliPili's sturdy box and wrapped inside with bubble wrap the 12 part gray resin kit, sculpted by Le Van Quang is in the large scale of 1/6th.
Above you will see the close-up of the head showing a Mongol Cavalryman in his distinct Asian features. The side leather armor is cast separtly so the painted can access the face better.