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A Fixture
Oct 12, 2003
Hi gang,

I had some free time this afternoon, so I ruined my Templar figure some more. I've included two pictures of it. There's something I'm not happy about, but I can't tell what. Maybe one of you guys see it and can help me out? Many thanks in advance.




I've got it! He has no hands! That's not it? I do know that if I could paint faces like that on a regular basis, I'd be content. I hope you post another photo when he's finished. Good job so far.

Hi Gino, the face looks fine. My only suggestion would be to darken the ringmail. Looking good though. Hardy
Hi Guys,

there was nothing to see on TV this evening so I decided to repaint his surcoat. Although it isn't appearant on the pictures (stupid f*cking HP935 camera) the highlights are much more subtle now.
Now I have to wait till next sunday before I can continue painting. it's one for my own private collection and I only paint for myself on sunday.

best wishes,




I have to agree with you. The black looks much better with the reduced highlights. Looking forward to seeing more of him. How did he go together?

I had some free time this afternoon, so I ruined my Templar figure some more.


I wish when I ruined a figure it looked as good as yours does. Usually, my ruined figures just look like s*** :lol: . If I keep practicing, do you think I cold learn to "ruin" a figure so it looks as good as yours do ?

Mike (y)
You know, my eye wants to see that flesh color repeated--or at least suggested- somewhere on the body of the figure to give a bit more life to the surcoat. Please remember that I have been thrown out of every figure show I've entered, laughed at by Phil Kessling, scorned by Quang, and have only my partly burned silver medal from Tulsa '97 to show for that unfortunate incident, so my opinions don't count for much. But I have come to the point where I feel that limiting the palette is a good idea since it forces me to repeat colors throughout the figure,giving an often subconscious sense of continuity. If it were me, I'd be adding some flesh color to the coat highlights, and certainly to the leathers so the face does not seem disconnected from the composition. My guess is that your uneasiness derives from the tension between the life in the face and the deadness in the blacks and greys of the coat.
I'm still pissed about the lack of forgiveness in Tulsa when I spilled my Dr. Pepper on the idiotic Fred of Swabia raffle figure in the " Hospitality Suite"......
Thank you for your understanding in this matter-- I think the weather there makes them crazy. Just because I was sweating into her drink was no reason for that guy's wife to start a fistfight.....ah, but why dwell on the past....
I just want to let you know that I'll restart the black surcoat again this evening. I just can't look at it without wanting to destroy the figure.


What are you using for the blacks? Here is a case where I would(in oils) mix a slug of the dark face colors with indigo to get some life in the coat and to get some continuity. Then sneak in a touch of the facial highlights in the surcoat highlights, but avoiding actual black or grey sompletely. I'm using Indigo mixed with caput mortuum violet with a little translucent orange for the samurai armor and it's working well. I believe in using black to tone down some colors, but it never looks right to me as "black". I'll be anxious to see how you make out.