Mosonmagyaróvár pF group photo
Hi Planeteers,
here is a pF photo from Mosonmagyarovar with a functioning Tiger replica in the background. I'm very glad we met, it was great talking with you, also with Mario (Maki), who's not on the photo. Unfortunately we couldn't find you Artur (ArturM), next time guys

The show was superb, eventhough it's more armor and diorama show, there were around 100 figures of very high quality and the dio section had many figures, which could stand alone on display.
Top row: the next generation
Standing from left: me, Sverre Melleby (Recon), Gábor Szabó (Coves), Balázs Schuller (Blackarmy), Miklós Sikora (Sikora), Krisztián Bódi (same)
First row: Pekka Nieminen (Pekka), Miklós Páli (Sokol)
Hope to see you again next year, hopefully there will be even more of us!