Review "Mother of Dragons" Bust from Nuts Planet


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi to everyone on PF,

Unless you have been living in another universe than you would have heard of the series and now a film based on the series called Game of Thrones . Many characters have evolved from G.O.T none more so than one of the female leads , the character played by Emilia Clarke ...known as The Mother of Dragons after she hatched 3 dragons in a funeral pyre , walking into the flames to rescue the hatchlings .

This is the 4th release from Nuts Planet based on characters in the series the others being Hand the Imp which I also shared with you recently. and of course Tywin Lannister and Jon Snow.

Dragon Lady 001.jpg
As with other releases from NutsPlanet we find the parts well protected sandwiched between foam with the smaller pieces held in a plastic bag . On the distinctive blue box we have the usual great pictures of the box art on the top and the sides.​
What are we looking at :​
Title: Mother of Dragons
Referenece: NP-B011
Scale: 1/10th
Material: Gray Resin
No of pieces: 11
Sculptor: Hyun-Ju Kim
Box Art painted by: Myeong-Ha Hwang
There are as stated 11 parts all in resin , these consist of the actual "Mother" and the Dragaon , the Mother consists of 4 pieces, the torso , the head , the back of the hair and the necklace ornament. The Dragon consisting of the torso , 2 wings , 2 feet , and the tail , in addition we have a pedestal base also provided.​
Dragon Lady 001.jpg
Dragon Lady 002.jpg
In this review we will look at the 2 subjects separately in this part firstly the human element...Mother.​
Dragon Lady 004.jpg
Prep needed was the removal of casting plugs from the torso underside leaving a very smooth finish when done, underneath we also have a area to locate the base. On the head we will need to remove the casting plug running under the neck , as as with the Imp once done fit is really good.​
The long hairpiece will need the formers cut away , with sanding fit is good with perhaps a swipe of filler if you consider it so needed.​
Then we have the necklace ornament , a quick cut with the modelling knife will remove the small plug fit inbetween the cleavage is again good...and enjoyable to do!!!​
Looking firstly at the torso , the impression is of a long neck , this seems to look a more natural height once the hair is fitted , the neck is slender with good muscular tones being worked on this as well as the upper chest area , very well defined ...leading down to her breasts these are sculpted as per the film and held safely in with her clothing which has a surface work on it also .​
Dragon Lady 011.jpg
Around her neck we have the necklace leading down to a small locating cut out for the ornament.​
The dress she wears has very delicate folds worked , all pulling and sitting in the right area's if you understand my thinking!!! the material is over her shoulder, the small sleeves having nice undercuts, leading to the beautifully thin arms of this subject , the form of the shoulder blades are nicely shown under the material at the back.​
Dragon Lady 007.jpgDragon Lady 008.jpgDragon Lady 009.jpgDragon Lady 010.jpg
It is my opinion that this is a lot better clothed as a bust and I am pleased that NutsPlanet chose not to release her naked as seen in the film also.​
The head now , this is in one word fabulous , an amazing likeness of the actress , beautiful facial features really delicately done , lips are slightly pouting IMO and very nice they look!!!, the hair is pulled back in the style of the subject , finely plaited twice on both sides leading to the long hair.​
Dragon Lady 015.jpgDragon Lady 016.jpgDragon Lady 017.jpgDragon Lady 018.jpg Dragon Lady 020.jpgDragon Lady 021.jpg Dragon Lady 019.jpg
The main hair piece now fit under the head plaits being very clean and tidy , the hair cascades down her back and over her right shoulder in a very natural form , nice surface details. the addition of this leads to well worked complete hair piece....well detailed as said and fun to paint the blonde as well​
Dragon Lady 012.jpgDragon Lady 014.jpg
Dragon Lady 013.jpg
Finally in this bit the necklace ornament , in the shape of a claw , nicely formed and with fit at the bottom of the actual necklace being very good.​
Dragon Lady 022.jpg
The base is the normal pedestal type , fit (pin it!!) is good , a swipe of filler might be needed if you so wish .
Dragon Lady 005.jpg
The torso is a nice piece of work in all area's , delicately worked resulting in a challenge to paint the skin tones and of course the hair ...have a look at the website for great pictures to inspire you.
Continued in next post
Here comes Kevin's wonders again :)

Kev, just a small emend: She is already the fourth GOT subject :). The others are, just as you say Tyrion Lannister and previously Nuts released Jon Snow and Tywin Lannister.

Let the thread roll!
On now to the wee beastie ...the Dragon

This consist of a total of 6 pieces the torso in addition to the 2 wings and feet which needs fitting to the torso as does the tail (don't forget to cut away the formers on the upper limbs and one from the lower edge)
Dragon Lady 003.jpg
The torso, nice leathery skin slightly scaly texture with an almost cute face , good mouth details , ears upright , mouth open ..but no flames !!!! running along his back are tiny triangles of its spine leading down to his tail .
Dragon Lady 030.jpgDragon Lady 031.jpgDragon Lady 032.jpgDragon Lady 029.jpgDragon Lady 028.jpgDragon Lady 033.jpg
The tail sweeps into position with the spine details continuing all the way down , when fitted it looks good .
Dragon Lady 023.jpg
The feet are tiny and a potential donation to the carpet monster so be careful , the clawed feet are nicely done and sit good on mothers shoulder , spread out and gripping to maintain its balance.
Dragon Lady 027.jpgDragon Lady 026.jpg
The wings are sculpted almost fully open , I am surprised they did not move in front of me , good details on the undersides with the span stretching between the spars. , fit will need to be carefully thought out to ensure correct position (a locating hole is featured on the torso for this purpose).
Dragon Lady 024.jpgDragon Lady 025.jpg
There you have it when fitted into place it really does bring the piece to life , it might be nice to be able to get another dragon and use this in your base presentation.

Final thoughts:

This is a beautifully sculpted piece with a nicely done dragon , it looks like the subject as well and will repay the time you spend delicately painting this very lovely woman , the challenge of the flesh tones and the blonde hair with the contrast of the blue dress is going to be well worth taking on and of course the dragon as well ..several colours are a possibility .
A nice addition to the Nutsplanet basket of goodies and a great companion piece to Hand the Imp as well as the other 2 releases from the GOT series , Jon Snow and Tywin Lannister

Thanks to Nutsplanet for the Review model and to you all for looking in .

For more details including great pictures go to the website at:

or visit them and like at facebook :

Finally lets enjoy some more pictures of the painted piece

Enjoy your modelling

Here comes Kevin's wonders again :)

Kev, just a small emend: She is already the fourth GOT subject :). The others are, just as you say Tyrion Lannister and previously Nuts released Jon Snow and Tywin Lannister.

Let the thread roll!

Hi BT ,

Thanks of course it should read 4 ..the sight of all that flesh threw me !!!!!!!...amended my thread!!!

Cheers for looking in

Kevin, you're the Reviewer! The capital R is intentional!

Outstanding miniature from a company that has strong ambitions to lead the figurine world! :) And they're on the right trail, my friend. So is you! :)

Very nice bust [no pun intended!] and a good review. Question - Wouldnt the dragon be gripping the shoulder in some way, showing claws in cloth etc?

Very nice bust [no pun intended!] and a good review. Question - Wouldnt the dragon be gripping the shoulder in some way, showing claws in cloth etc?


Hi Ian,

Ref dragon , possibly yes but maybe it's flapping its wings and balancing other shoulders?

Thanks for looking in

Very nice Bust Kevin.......un-like Ian, every pun intended!
I really do not know anything about the background to these figures but the sculpting is first class.
Thanks for another great review Mate, I always enjoy your literary offerings.
All the very best,
Tock24: I have the figure and am working on it at the moment. You are right the claw don't seem to be gropping the shoulder but as Nap said it's more like it just glided onto her shoulder and not quite resting on it yet.

Anyways doesn't detract from the figure. :)
I watched season 1 of G.O.T. again over the weekend to get myself ready for the much-awaited release of Season 5 in April, and decided to get all four (and any future) busts from Nuts Planet in the range. I'd love to see Nuts Planet bring out a bust of The Hound.