Mu 56 - Amut & Gon by Arnaud Stranger


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Jan 10, 2012

Hello Jungle Painters,
again another Miniatures Unpacked for you outthere.

This time we want to show you two miniatures, a cute sculpt and a fearsome bust, sculpted by
Arnaud "Stranger" Bellier.

Let's start with the cute little fella, called "Gon" who is a small T-Rex or Baby-Godzilla.
Arnaud sculpted the model in Fimo and refers to a Manga Character. His height is 23 mm and he truely is a cute little fella.

Gon arrives in three parts: Body and two small arms, which can easily be put in place. All parts are attached on a resin casting bar and can be cut off it easily.

As you can see on the following photo there are some small resin rests on the model, but it is not a big thing to clean them off the model. Some small fibres, luckily we did not find horrible mould lines on the figure, as they would be a pain in the ass to remove on those many scales.

The detail on this funny sculpt is really lovely, just look at all those teeth. Looks dangerous but in the end it is still cute. I can hear him roar.

For 23 mm in height it is really a cool sculpt. Volumes on it are all done in a cute way to keep him very funny. The sculpting work on the scales is pretty goog too. Now for the imagination, for a little Godzilla I would take his arms as they arrive, but for creating a baby T-Rex I'd cut them half way and make him running around with two T-Rex-useless arms.

Arnaud sculpted Amut for the competition of sculpture 2013, organized by modelsculpt and Phoenix Effect. The height of the bust is 110 mm and the crocodile face is full of character.

The model is a big block of resin, consisting of different sculpted parts, like head, body, chain around his neck, fur on the back and some cool looking undescribable magical fog in the lowest part. Each of these parts look pretty cool, but somehow we don't get the feeling that they belong together as one. We are not sure if the body is really needed to present this cool head. The chain is a cool detail and takes this character strictly related to ancient egypt.

The most amazing part of the bust is - from our point of view - is definatly the crocodile head. Such cool sculpting work here and this is definatly fun to paint.

Again, not much preparation work is needed when it comes to cleaning the bust. No serious mould lines have been spotted and all different areas arrive in good detail quality.

Arnaud really got a thing going on with sculpting scales. If you like what you see you can head over to facebook and ask "Arnaud Stranger" for a cast to paint one of these up. Cool stuff!

Miniatures Unpacked out!

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