A Fixture
The latest release from Elan13 Miniatures is this Musketeer English Civil War in 65mm.
Sculpted and box art by Ian Succamore.
Resin by MDP
Price: £20.00
This brings the ECW range up to seven figures.
Available now from our website [COLOR=var(--blue-link)]www.elan13.co.ukhttp://www.elan13.co.uk/?fbclid=IwAR1MkyDicAokRM1RrjHyVKp1Yzhr_y-Bv5gp2yuIxVgCajgFaGYupt6wOwg[/COLOR]
Sculpted and box art by Ian Succamore.
Resin by MDP
Price: £20.00
This brings the ECW range up to seven figures.
Available now from our website [COLOR=var(--blue-link)]www.elan13.co.ukhttp://www.elan13.co.uk/?fbclid=IwAR1MkyDicAokRM1RrjHyVKp1Yzhr_y-Bv5gp2yuIxVgCajgFaGYupt6wOwg[/COLOR]