My first "big" bust paintjob


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Nov 24, 2006
I´m new to this forum and I guess to figure painting. After visiting the gallery section of these pages I have to say that I feel a bit depressed of my work, here´s a link to my Geometric Designs Phantom of the opera bust. It´s My first bust in 1/3 scale.

Let me know what could be improved in my painting skills?

Kind Regards

Pete R.

What do you want to improve???The painting of this bust is awesome.
I cannot see why you are depressed of your work.
Great painting. And if you have more figures painted, feel free to post them. I'm sure they look great.

Thanks guys!
The biggest problem of the model was to paint the black coat, black can easily look dark grey and I hoped to get more highlight effect on to the coat, i´t looks a bit 2-D for my eyes...
Ha, ha :lol:, are you kidding, isn't so ? The bust is beautifully painted, please don't joke man... ;)
Your painting is top notch, now you only need to mount the shots over a more appropriate background, just a bit of Photoshop work required.
welcome to the Planet!
Man, if this is your first bust, nicely done! Aespecially in 1/4 scale. This is one beauty of a sculpt though! Did you use an airbrush for some or most of the highlighting and shadowing? My only comment would be to maybe push some of your shadows just a tad more. Especially in the deepest receses of his face and in the nostrils. Other than that this is top notch work! The teeth are briliant! Keep it up, and keep posting this great stuff!

Jay H.
The skin was painted with an airbrush and I used acrylic paints. I tried a new tecnique that involved several layers of shading and highlighting and last but not least, I took the basic skin tone and sprayed a thin coat all over the face. This made the shaded and the highlighted parts to be in "harmony " with each other, but the skin still could have used a darker shades.

Greetings from Finland

Pete R.

AWSOME painting. How did you do the red scalf - if you don't mind me asking?

Thank you all! It´s been a while since I´ve been In this section of this forum.

The scarf was painted with an airbrush, The basetone was blood red, next the blood red was mixed with a little bit of black and it was sprayed on the sections that were deeper and and after that I sprayed the original red color as a very light mist to all of the scarf´s surfaces. The highlight was red + yellow , and the final highlight was added with a brush( the very edges of the scarf).
Wow, what a messy text :)

Thanks again and Keep Modellin´!

Pete R.