My first full figure


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New Member
Jan 2, 2006
Hello everyone

I am 9 years old and new to the hobby, this is my first figure I hope you can give me some help in painting so I can get better... :)



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Hey Ryan,
it seems you like the black colour, no ? :lol: ;)
Very, very nice, sure you will be a great painter. About the figure just try to add some more light, like with the stone you have used for the base.
You are on the right track, keep on.
Hello Ryan...a big welcome to the Planet...!! ;)

You have done a really great job...for a nine year old to apply himself to paint a whole fugure is fabulous...and you've done a very clean job too. The metal-work is also really nicely done... on the surcoat, it looks like you've tried to get some little difference in colour by removing some of the paint on the high points of the folds..good stuff.
I'm sure with such a good basis you'll find some great advice here on the planet and go on to paint some really cool pieces...keep posting your work.

Hope you keep it up, and good luck with your next figure.. (y) (y)

Young man, congratulations you did a good job, especially since this is your first figure. ;)
You are the future of the hobby, continue the good work and keep on posting.

Roc. :)
You will certainley travel far young man :eek:

Ryan you did an outstanding job really and i'm going to put my nine year old nephew to shame when i show him this one......well he'll be nine this month actually ;)

Keep it up and follow the tips handed out in the previous postings........

Can I ask you a question? Is it possible to join a club in your area? This will be a BIG ASSETT in being guided on the right track at least once a month where you can show your work to be admired and constructively scrutinized!!!

Take Care,

Ray :)
Congratulations on a job very well done. This is an excellent first effort for someone at any age, and I am quite sure that you have a very bright future ahead of you in this hobby. I agree with Ray, joining a club would be a great way to get advice and tips. You might like to try and pick up a few books on figure painting as well. I know Bill Horan's books have helped me a great deal. Best of luck to you, and keep posting :) .
Ryan, this is very impressive. Good job! This looks like a Pegaso figure that I have just ordered myself. Is this a late 13th century Order of St. John Knight?

Good work--
YOU'RE NINE!!!!!!!!!!!
:eek: :eek: :eek:
I wish I could paint like that when I was nine!

BTW, what model is that and where is it from?
First figure? 9 years old?

I wish my 21st figure would look like that when I'm 30 :)

Excellent work!
Hello planeters

thanks for all of your compliments, answering your questions, i painted it in acrylics from games workshop. The figure was got at Euro last year by my dad, I think it cost less than £10, he tells me he cant remember who the stall holder was, but he was next to the military modelling magazine stand, at the bottom of the first stairs after you pay to get in. I have been to Welling model club with my dad a couple of times, I hope to go again soon. I painted ths by using just dry brushing over a black base.
Hi Ryan....I think the trader may have been the guys from 'Miniature Park'...they had a very good assortment of stuff on display.
Looking forward to seeing you at the club again one evening...when you don't have any home-work to do of course.... ;)

All the best...Roy.
Hi Ryan

I echoe the other comments, REALLY REALLY well done mate.

The metal, I agree, is particularly good.

Keep going and please post more of your work as you go.

I too started painting around your age. The best tip I have ever been given is "to try and improve a little bit on each figure you do "
Saying that you are already producing very good results and very neat.

Please post more and hope to see you around soon.

My best wishes my friend
