My last figures


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Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2003
Hello everybody,
I didn't post new pics for a while sorry.
I did'nt have much time to spend on the net as I changed appartement.
I didn't paint much too, but here are pictures of my last figures.
My version of the Miniature park "garde-jäger" (oil painted)
Hope you will like them.
Any comments or questions are welcome but I'm more interested in critics as they might push me further.... ;)
Hi Jean-Phillipe,
Stunning work!
I wouldn't dare offer any critique of those as they are far and away better than anything I've ever done. I would like to hear more on the bust as that's mainly what I paint. that may just be the most realistic woodgrain I've ever seen painted. Would you please tell me how you did it?
Thanks. And thanks for posting those pictures. A real pleasure to look at them.
Thanks Craig !
I'm glad you like them.
You know, the person that always gives me the best critics on my figures (a friend of mine) is not really a great painter. Critics can come from everybody....
For the wood grain this is a try I tested on this figure : I first painted the veins with acrilics starting with the "knots" (is that the word). For this step I tried to respect the light (it's comming from the right side in this case). After taht i applied one or two washes of oils paint mixed with a little bit of gloss varnish. This helped to give depth and a little shine to the wood. Before this step the wood was flat and matt and unreallistic...
For smaller scales I never tried the oil wash, but int happened to be necessary at this scale.
Hope this will help.
Jean-Philippe, there you are. Was wondering where you went. Great to see your'e back. I know the feeling about being busy this year. Although I have been in here on pF, I haven't finished much up lately.
As far as critiques go, well there really isn't much to offer. One thing did strike me. It seems you are more at ease with a larger figure than a smaller. Your fleshtones on the bust are really good but on the 54mm's(? not sure), while the colors all are quite correct and blended well, maybe you can take your colors just a tad more to the lighter and darker side. I personally think a smaller figure needs the contrast in the flesh. Just my opinion though. You don't need to go too much further, just a little bit more in each direction. Look at your Aquilifier. The legs are done well with some contrast where as the face doesn't quite show the same contrast. One thing that hinders painters in this scale when using oils is the tendency to "over-blend". Not that I have it perfected by far! :lol: If it is the blending, perhaps you could leave a little more contrast between the different colors. Just in 54mm though as you have obviously nailed it with your bust (y) .
Gotta agree with Craig on the woodgrain. Fantastic! Thanks for your technique.

Please don't read too much into my "critique" as there really isn't all that much wrong with your figures. Much better than mine honestly. I just see a lot of my own mistakes on your figure.

Hope This Helps,
Jim Patrick
Helo there JP.How are you. It's been a while since we saw any of your work. Great to see it once more and you don't disappoint us. That bust is awesome. Will we meet again in Boston ?

Stephen Mallia
JP, great work all around...........I echo Steve's plea..........will you make Boston :eek: ?

Take care and keep them coming mate..........

Ray ;)
Thanks for all the kind comments.
Jim thank you for your advices. About the contrast on the faces of my 54mm, I think the pictures are for something in your impression as they have more contrast in reality. I'm not trying to convince you in any way as your tastes are maybe different than mine, but specialy for the aquilifer the contrasts are correct for me. Thanks for the comments tough. ;) Hope you will see it "in flesh" but sorry it won't be in Boston. I will not be there.
Stephen sorry, we will not meet in boston, we will have to wait until St vincent again... By the way, I did see your last creation here and I like it.
Alexandre, pour le bois j'ai peint les veines en trompe l'oeil à l'acrylique en commencant par le noeuds et en dessinant des lignes qui les contournent. Ensuite j'ai passé un ou deux jus de peinture à l'huile dans laquelle j'ai mis un peu de vernis brillant. Cela donne de la profondeur et un léger effet satiné. Sinon l'acrylique était trop mate et manquait de profondeur. (Ah c'est plus simple en français ;) )
Bye à bientot
Hi Jean-Philippe

Excellent painting on all of them, but the bust, Just beautifull... :) . I too have just finished this bust, excellent bust dont you think...?

I would love to see more of your work, please

Thanks Dave
yes I also think this is a beautiful bust full of personality. The casting is absolutely fantastic, it reminds me of post militaire. You can see more of my work on the Etendard Occitan Website (my association in France) On top of the page you can see my older work, and at the bottom the most recent figures I painted or scuplted.
Here you can find some articles I wrote for our website but sorry they are in French, agood occasion to practice ;) : Articles
Best regards
you lost the link to the Etendard Occitan website, bad point for you ! ;)
I will post as soon as I a have something new to show.
Next one will probably be Andrea's Aramis that I'm painting for a friend...
Bye Jean-Philippe
Originally posted by JP PRAJOUX@Jun 21 2005, 02:13 PM
you lost the link to the Etendard Occitan website, bad point for you ! ;)
Yes, i've lost it. It was one of my favorite's. But the crash of the HD did me lost everything.
So, slowly every link comes back.

The link page of our web site is, I hope, (I try my best) a good one and you will probaly find most of the links you lost...