Jamie Stokes
A Fixture
My other effort, a Ogryn ( a updated ogre, I guess, from the GW line). Started with the face, and while the highlights are ok, the shading needs a bit more work. Blending needs a lot more work.
Figure is a good platform to learn on, as the details are exaggered. The muscle detail on the arms makes the figure resemble a condom full of walnuts...
While the face is all angles and edges, it kinda helps and kinda doesnt when painting. Holding the figure up to the light, its easy to see how light falls upon a figure. If i go too far, details disappear. not so easy to get a balance.
Should come up okay. After I get flesh tones to a state I'll be happy with, then I need to work out clothing; cammies, or plain drab? Probably drab, at this point in my painting life.
Comments and ideas welcome.
PS, how do you all paint mouth interior details? ie, gums, inner lips, the inside of the mouth basically?I started with the deeper parts with pink/ reds, and did the lips in a light pink. pointers appreciated
Figure is a good platform to learn on, as the details are exaggered. The muscle detail on the arms makes the figure resemble a condom full of walnuts...
While the face is all angles and edges, it kinda helps and kinda doesnt when painting. Holding the figure up to the light, its easy to see how light falls upon a figure. If i go too far, details disappear. not so easy to get a balance.
Should come up okay. After I get flesh tones to a state I'll be happy with, then I need to work out clothing; cammies, or plain drab? Probably drab, at this point in my painting life.
Comments and ideas welcome.
PS, how do you all paint mouth interior details? ie, gums, inner lips, the inside of the mouth basically?I started with the deeper parts with pink/ reds, and did the lips in a light pink. pointers appreciated