My Parisian Thank You (Merci)


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Mar 13, 2005
St. Albert, Alberta, Canada
Hi Everyone;

Just a quick note of thanks to guys like Marc Van Megroot and Marcellin for their tourism advice. My trip to Paris was wonderful, especially the weather (15 C and sunny in Paris as opposed to -20 C and snow here at home!). I managed to stop by Le Cimier shop and that alone made the trip worth every dime. To my knowledge, there is nothing like that in Western Canada, so it was a real treat to shop there. I brought home Pegaso's 54mm mounted Mameluk, which I will complete and post just as soon as I get a very difficult commission out of the way first. Again, thanks to everyone for your travel tips.


Even my wife was impressed with Le Cimier!
Hi Glenn,
I 'm very glad for your nice trip in Paris. I wanted go there another time at the end of this month, but you know the Army Museum is partially closed, so I'll go next year.
I'm sad for the closing of Le Cimier. It's a shop working since 70s and Mr.Vuyet is a very kind person, but I think that actual situation depends a little on him, when he decided to leave own production of figures.
Pegaso Mamelouk has been a good choice, a very coloured figure, suitable to be paint in several colourful options, from Egyptian campaign to Austerlitz charge.
Best regards to you, congrats to your wife for his understanding and...sticks in the hands!