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Outstanding paint work. The whites are superb. But I must say, I have never liked this figure. He looks more like Danny DeVito than 'le tondu'. The Le Cimier piece (recently re-released I believe by MM) is a far superior casting imo.
Wonderful work, Fabrizio, I, too, like the subtle whites:) Can I ask what paints you are using? I am trying to convert myself to acrylics from good old oils, but I am having a struggle at times. You have certainly captured the essence of The Emperor.
thanks,andrea color,white and heart,i start to beige and add white for light ,add more hearth and little black for shades,for cold white i start to mix whith white little blach and litle hearth. i add a little quantity of yamya x 21 flat agent in the mixture
finally ended
I would like to say I really like this figure you get a feeling that he has the weight of the world on his shoulders!
Very well painted as well.

many thanks at all...i love the near arcole and every day i see his monument of the battle and remember the past glory

Great paint job , been in Arcole but somehow missed the monument as it was before I came back to the hobby, nice little place it is too .