Hi Stephen,
I saw the site suggested by Armagedon. If you can see clearly the instruments of the musicians of the Grenadiers of the Imperial Guard (blue jacket with red lapels, bicorne with white and red plumes), you are satisfied. On the site of Historex there are several instruments, I do'nt know if the drawings are enough clear to copy, but Historex instruments are good for 54mm figures.
In any case, I don't know what you want to make, but remember that musical bands was used only in parades or ceremonies, NEVER in battles as made by Stefano Borin with his figures holding instruments and arms. In battle, the only musicians present were drums, hornets and fifes. The bands were formed by professional musicians recruited and payed fron the regiment at own cost only for particular occasions.They can be in number changeable from 6 to 20 and up, depending from the money available. When someone of these musicians was persuaded for money to follow the regiment in campaign, he DID NOT fight, he was used only to carry the blessed men, or to recharge ammunitions.
Best regards