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Active Member
Sep 27, 2006
Goodmornig all the forum,

it is much time that I visit "planetfigure" but only yesterday I have carried out the recording to the forum.
I introduce myself are Ugo Pozzati from Milan - Italy.
I paint figures with particular interest to the Middle Ages and the fantasy.
Yesterday I have update my web site

You are all sendes to make a visit to you.
All the comments are appreciate.

Many thanks


Ugo ;)
Ciao Ugo, benvenuto alla Planet, speriamo di vedere la tua arte.

Se ti posso aiutare in qualche modo, fammelo sapere.

Roc :)
Thank you for sharing with us your beautiful figures.
Your work is extraordinary,.... especially the heraldry and tapistry.
These are true art gems in miniature.
For me as one of the small group of fantasy and horrorfigure buffs, I love your Tolkien Figures! The Nazgul and especially the Isengart Orc look absolutly brilliant, Masterpieces of fantasy art!

Great work and very nice to have you aboard!

:lol: Many thanks to all !!!
I will inform you when update the web site.

Thanks to ROC (grazie) e a Maurizio.

Ugo ;)
Ugo, Very nice website. I like your 37th New York colorbearer. My only comment regarding the flag is that I believed it attached to the poles using ties rather than slipping over the flag staff. I myself would be curious to see what the reverse of the original flag looks like as there is often a diffent design on the other side. You did do a great job painting the flag. ~Gary
Hi Gary,

:lol: thanks for your comment, are a lot important for me.
Perhaps as far as the flag the attached to the pole is work of the scultore friend, in effects would have been more real the type than attached that you suggest. For the difference of the design on one side in it is effects is curious.
I have made reference the indications that the curator of the New York Military Museum has sended to me, where are conserved the flag original.
All the iscriptions are reproduced in the same way on two sides to exclusion of "honor" that they turn out "to the contrary"......very curios.



Ugo ;)