This is my latest release. It is a British 3 para soldier prior to the night battle for Mount Longdon,Falklands,1982.
120mm Resin kit
MC7 Falklands 3rd Batt.parachute regiment 1982.
Thanks for looking.
nice sculpting maurice and and even nicer subject you have chosen to portray and a good job you have done of it.I understand you cast all your own pieces,could you let me know where you learnt to do this,it is something i am very interested in.
As always, extremely good, a fantastic figure, amazing level of details! I really love it! And so much correct to history as the mounted bayonet and night vision prove!!! Well done!!
Thanks everyone for the kind comments.
sniper 21 i pm`d you re. casting
Jeff theres a few options best to email me at mcorry1@aol.com
I`ll post some pics of the seperate castings.
all the best