new figure manufacturer 1/35th


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A Fixture
Mar 1, 2007
JAKREI Miniatures - New figure Mfg 1/35th

JAKREI Miniatures
new 1/35th white metal figures available now! sorry-pics are crap!
[email protected]


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Look good

These look very good and fill the desert tanker niche nicely. They would look well with DML's new Sherman III
hardcorps pics

HARDCORPS UK PICS-1st 3 figures (I can' seem to attatch the photos as they have too much size etc!)
The third figure is a British tanker in 'Pixie' suit, loading ammo.

Fourth figure is the second British tanker loading ammo-standing on AFV, receiving shell from the first (this one wears the tanker's helmet)-being moulded right now.
Also being moulded:
British MP in tropical dress, directing traffic
British seaman in duffle coat
British tank commander in 'Pixie' suit

will sort photos asap guys! (Just did it guys!)


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Nice figures Pete, look better in primer,without the barrel that first figure looks a bit


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the gay hussar!

Thanks to all for their kind comments!:)
I see what you mean about the first figure, his pose, without anything to lean on, does make him look kind of 'happy'.:eek:
I wanted people to see just what is in the packet without accessories etc.(well, that's my excuse anyway!)
It seems that I've created some confusion over the name of the new figure range by calling it 'Hardcorps uk'. Not being very involved with the international model world for some time has left me a bit out of touch with 'who's who', etc., and I didn't realize that there was another 'Hardcorps' business(es) around at the same time! Very many appologies for any inconveniance to them this may have caused!
So, for this reason, the name of the range will hereafter be known as 'JAKREI',which derives from the names of my two sons-Jake & Reis.
I do hope that this clears up any more confusion-sorry!
They look very good. I would like to see the seaman in duffelcoat.
I hope you have a great future ahead.
Can we order using your e-mail or do you prefer differently??
Very good

The figures look very good and original. I might consider doing them in resin though. A lot of my AFV & diorama clients (we have a modelshop) don't like to populate their vehicles/dio's with metal figures. Donot why, but tankbuilders seem to prefer resin while pure figurepainters seem to prefer white metal. No critique, juqt hopeing to be of help. I hope one day to find the time to paint one of these as they are truley great looking figures.


Saw these nice figures at a show on Sunday, we have reviews comig of them soon on teh basement and all early indications is that they are very good.

Looked nice to me on the day too

Beautiful figures!!! The figures in shorts look very reallistic!
Love the faces.
Who did the sculpting??? The figure in Pixie suit seems to be
scuplted by different artist... no?

Hey Pete!!

Nice work Pete!! It's been a while, how's it going mate??

It is nice to see that you are still at it and that your talent has not diminished in the meantime. All the best to you!

And to Taesung, the figures are the work of Pete himself. Having worked with Pete myself in the past, I can say with confidence that he is a "crack" sculptor!


Mike Good
praise indeed!!!

Hi Mike!
It certainly has been a long time, (and not always an easy one!!!)
I only discovered this site a couple of days ago and it saves a lot on the fone bill!!!!!
Thank you for your compliments mate, coming from you that is praise indeed!!:)
I have not met Taesung, but I will be taking a stand at euro this year so hopefully both of you will venture back across the pond? would be great to catch up.
I have some unusual figures pencilled in for future subjects, and I do want to try to stay away from 'Ze Germans' if possible. Taesung has covered them really well, a far cry better than I ever did at least!!
Look forward to meeting you too Taesung!!
Keep up the good work
Best regards and wishes
Hi Pete
Welcome to the site! :)
I'm not sure if I would be able to make it to Euro this year.
But I'm sure we'll have a beer together sometime in a near
future... maybe in Barcelona, 2008 World Expo? :)
Mike, are you going to 2008 World Expo?

Jakrei new figure

Hello to all!:)
This is a preview of the British tank commander in 1/35th wearing a cold weather 'pixie' suit
not shown are the second head wearing the tanker's helmet and also the mike to go in the hand

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