New figures from Legion Miniatures!


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Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2018
Hello to all friends!
New figures from Legion Miniatures!
LMM - 031 Vae victis
LMM - 032 Vae victis II
Sculpt by S. Sherbakov
1/24 scale resin kit

Vae victis 1.jpg
Vae victis 1 II).jpg
Vae victis 2.jpg Vae victis 3.jpg Vae victis 4.jpg Vae victis 5.jpg Vae victis 7.jpg photo_2022-08-05_11-20-44 (4).jpg photo_2022-08-05_11-20-44.jpg Vae Victis 2(1) .jpg Vae Victis 3(1) .jpg Vae Victis 4(1) .jpg Vae Victis 5(1) .jpg
Nice set of figures , little cheeky .....and 2 purchase options

Will definitely paint up well , as with all legion casting it will be good and minimal prep

FYI ....As my Latin is limited I googled the title ......." woe to the vanquished", or "woe to the conquered".

Thanks for sharing the updates

Happy releasing

Just to make sure I get the point, we’re looking at a large scale set of figures of two soldiers about to rape a woman?. There is a market for this?.
Just to make sure I get the point, we’re looking at a large scale set of figures of two soldiers about to rape a woman?. Appropriate I suppose for a Russian company these days.

As always it sounds ignorance, misunderstanding and disrespect for all Russian people.
Fair comment Andrey, I have nothing against Russian civilians at all. In my experience really nice people. I have edited my earlier comment.
I don't like the scene especially but I think that in the negative answers the current situation of war in Europe/Asia is more than despicable.
This in miniaturism and politics should not be mixed because we would not paint anything from the past.
An irony is that if I buy the figures I will pay tax. Part of that tax will go towards our governments support of Ukraine in the war against Russia. Support that is mostly armaments specifically designed to kill Russian soldiers. So Russian companies such as Legion really shouldn’t be selling to any European country, or the USA, Australia, etc.
Selling figures overseas tends to support Ukraine!.
An irony is that if I buy the figures I will pay tax. Part of that tax will go towards our governments support of Ukraine in the war against Russia. Support that is mostly armaments specifically designed to kill Russian soldiers. So Russian companies such as Legion really shouldn’t be selling to any European country, or the USA, Australia, etc.
Selling figures overseas tends to support Ukraine!.
But Legion will pay taxes to the Russian government (assuming they pay due taxes), so it is a bit of both, I am afraid
To clarify things maybe- we have two themes here- current events- which shouldn’t be part of it and better in another sub forum..and depiction of rape..cut the excuses..rape is rape and no hiding that in some lame bumble about art depicting rape and so on..this is largely a site involving men playing with toy soldiers and far from anything to do with art.
IMHO the scene depicts a theme that is unfortuntely inherent in all conflicts at all times. The sculptor has decided to stay at best neutral about the things the soldiers are about to do - we get a pretty defenseless woman - breasts are already exposed - and three medieval seasoned warriors that smile and take advantage out of her weakness and fear. Each character is well sculpted and could as well smile at a meal ahead, a part of his booty or even at a child or about a joke. Therefore the mean and cruel background of this scene is not reflected in the details of this sculpt. There seems to be no sympathy for the defeated and the victims within the creation of this scene. It is easy to (mis?)understand the message of this new release.
My two cents.
Cheers, Martin
The message of the figures is that it is just fine for three men to rape a defenceless woman. What it portrays are three criminals about to rape a woman. Notice that the men are portrayed enjoying the crime. Just fine for a certain type of modeller to relish the scene and enjoy creating a vignette. And Martin64, it is hardly “neutral”, a defenceless woman is being assaulted and about to be raped, what’s “neutral” about that?. Maybe a follow up set could show the three criminals being broken on the wheel for their crime.
The message of the figures is that it is just fine for three men to rape a defenceless woman. What it portrays are three criminals about to rape a woman. Notice that the men are portrayed enjoying the crime. Just fine for a certain type of modeller to relish the scene and enjoy creating a vignette. And Martin64, it is hardly “neutral”, a defenceless woman is being assaulted and about to be raped, what’s “neutral” about that?. Maybe a follow up set could show the three criminals being broken on the wheel for their crime.

The neutrality ("at best") I see in this sculpt is that the message about the action ahead by the sculptor is open to me. The woman is exposed and a "sexy" victim and the soldiers are depicted as strong warriors... but maybe the sculptor of the scene made people think more about the background of the scene than I assumed - given that this is already your fourth comment on this thread. Due to my professional experience as a Police Officer it is hard to judge the human values of customers on what they buy as hobbyists - I had to face the fact that the majority of perpetraitors that have strange sexual fantasies and tend to abuse their children are publicly always political correct, involved in charity work etc. -
My God, judging by your words, you can’t portray soldiers at all. After all, they are going to kill or have already killed. It's just part of the story and treat it like that. What are you all...
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