Just to make sure I get the point, we’re looking at a large scale set of figures of two soldiers about to rape a woman?. Appropriate I suppose for a Russian company these days.
Fair comment Andrey, I have nothing against Russian civilians at all. In my experience really nice people. I have edited my earlier comment.
This in miniaturism and politics should not be mixed because we would not paint anything from the past.
Fair comment Andrey, I have nothing against Russian civilians at all. In my experience really nice people. I have edited my earlier comment.
But Legion will pay taxes to the Russian government (assuming they pay due taxes), so it is a bit of both, I am afraidAn irony is that if I buy the figures I will pay tax. Part of that tax will go towards our governments support of Ukraine in the war against Russia. Support that is mostly armaments specifically designed to kill Russian soldiers. So Russian companies such as Legion really shouldn’t be selling to any European country, or the USA, Australia, etc.
Selling figures overseas tends to support Ukraine!.
On this site it seems to beRape is "politics"...? Really?
The message of the figures is that it is just fine for three men to rape a defenceless woman. What it portrays are three criminals about to rape a woman. Notice that the men are portrayed enjoying the crime. Just fine for a certain type of modeller to relish the scene and enjoy creating a vignette. And Martin64, it is hardly “neutral”, a defenceless woman is being assaulted and about to be raped, what’s “neutral” about that?. Maybe a follow up set could show the three criminals being broken on the wheel for their crime.