New guy wanting Vallejo HELP.


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New Member
Apr 19, 2013
I am brand new at figure painting. I just got two Alpine 1/16ths and want to try my hand at Vallejo Acrylics. Hoping some of you can help me save a bit by helping me with the paint codes for the paints I need. I just purchased 16009...German Infantry Officer and 16018..."The Charge" USMC 1943/44. I need Vallejo numbers for the colors needed for these two. Also any help in directing me to research materials for WWII uniforms would be helpful.
Thanks a Bunch,
Larry :)
Sunyy Hernando, Fl USA
Hi there Larry,
Welcome to PF and figure painting ..regarding paints there are actual paint sets for uniform produced by Life Colour and Vallejo ...covering most of the ones you might need ...a good start point .....but with acrylics you can always mix to suit is a learning experience !!!

If you email me with your details I can send some Acrylics painting info my e mail [email protected]

References : A good set to look at is the Osprey Men at Arms series which has many books on German and US .

Feel free to ask anyting on PF YOU WILL IMPROVE WITH EVERY FIGURE!!!!
