This month’s issue has been a tight squeeze to get it all ready for you, but we’ve got a great selection of treats for you this month! Our cover story and article features one of the biggest names in fantasy art, Mr. Paul Bonner, as well as a very thorough step by step sculpt of one of the largest kits of recent memory!
Other articles include…
- Doing Nurgle-style freehands
- Crystal Brush report from Conrad Mynett
- Kickstarter updates
- Some interesting sneak previews of sculpts
- An in-depth interview with French sculptor/painter Christian Hardy
- A look at some old but nicely painted models!
- All the usual new releases and updates,etc.
As always Portal is COMPLETELY FREE to download for everyone
Download your free copy here: http://wampforum.us2.list-manage2.c...c385dc38044f7b169f&id=0efff05aa5&e=da23750c4c
Thanks for all the support!