New Release Historia Miniatures


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In the winter of 1914 some of the belligerents, read frontline soldiers, had the good sense to call a Christmas truce! Wouldn't it be nice to follow that example? After all, it is just a hobby, a rather innocent passtime for most of us, wether we like it or not we are not going to change the course of history by going at loggerheads each time a choice of subject is not to our liking!
Monsieur Hoyos of Heaumerie fame, wellknown to the old continental modellers, used to say "La figurine, il faut la faire avec du sérieux, sans se prendre au sérieux"
I am refairing to this post as a reply to Osceola's one.
Read your own posts more carefully plz.
that face was about the "heroic" part, not the entire post .

Read your own posts more carefully plz.[/

I do, but being human i could always make mistakes .
In the winter of 1914 some of the belligerents, read frontline soldiers, had the good sense to call a Christmas truce! Wouldn't it be nice to follow that example? After all, it is just a hobby, a rather innocent passtime for most of us, wether we like it or not we are not going to change the course of history by going at loggerheads each time a choice of subject is not to our liking!
Monsieur Hoyos of Heaumerie fame, wellknown to the old continental modellers, used to say "La figurine, il faut la faire avec du sérieux, sans se prendre au sérieux"

(y) cheers
Right, here we go again for the second time today, I will not be mediating between member complaints that have been sent to me by all parties concerned in this squabbling between themselves.

It’s all over the sculpting and painting of a bust for heaven’s sake!o_O

Any more unacceptable postings beyond this post will result in the thread being locked which would be a real shame after all the hard work that Christos Panagiotopoulos has done to show us his hard work and talent despite peoples personal views on the subject matter.

It’s just a hobby for heaven’s sake.o_O

Seasons Greetings

Chris and Dimitri
First of all I want to wish you good luck with your new venture . Good luck to "Historia Miniatures". You will need it in a such a difficult period for many of us.
Keep on the good job. I like your effords. I don't think that you will need any protection from anyone. Your combining talent is the best protection for you. Keep on my friends.
The subject that you choose for your second figure, an historical person, I think is the most difficult kind of miniature both for the sculptor and the painter. I want to ask all of your tough critics, if they remember, or if they have ever seen the first realeses of today's great brand names of the hobby such as Pegaso or Andrea etc. Βe more idulgent guys. Everyone even the biggest talent will need encouragment in her/his first steps.
From another point of view Chris and Dimitri you passed the line from an amateur hobbist to an enterpreneur modeler. So you must be ready for harder critics.
l want to avoid to refer anything on politics in that forum, because I want to respect many of the planeters who don't want the politicalisation of it. But really makes me sad that your figure became a cause for such lamentable comments. I can't understand how someone can wish the death of someone else from this forum and there will not be any kind of punishment.
I can't avoid an historical comment. As far as I know in the contemporary history of Latin America there are many more suitable comparisons with Hitler and his regime. I can recall many names: Pinochet, Videla, Batsista etc. Everyone remember that in L. America after the second world war many nazis found refuge under the regimes of dictators like these. Leave Che and his legacy alone guys. Although i don't think that this legacy has anything to fear from arbitrary comments.

Happy new year to ALL of you
As far as I know in the contemporary history of Latin America there are many more suitable comparisons with Hitler and his regime. I can recall many names: Pinochet, Videla, Batsista etc. Everyone remember that in L. America after the second world war many nazis found refuge under the regimes of dictators like these. Leave Che and his legacy alone guys. Although i don't think that this legacy has anything to fear from arbitrary comments.

Happy new year to ALL of you
First of all, I respect people's right to sculpt what they want. Of course some stuff is 'controversial.' I would normally leave this one alone, but I was kinda appalled by this. First of all, Hitler ran around murdering people in the name of a socialist cause, much like Che did. I am most disconcerted by the comment of leaving his legacy alone. Che's legacy is one of executing hundreds of people, all in the name of 'social justice.' To say "leave his legacy alone" is to ignore the most basic tenets of what his legacy is, and what he did, which is murder other human beings. Not just fight other soldiers, but execute innocent civilians as well as lawfully captured enemy soldiers. He met a fitting end, in my opinion. I'm sorry man, but you can't say to "leave Che's legacy alone". He's no better than Saddam Hussein and his sons, or Chavez, or bin Laden: they all killed innocent people in the name of their cause. They're murderers and that's it.
I'm shocked and stunned and much more than a bit disappointed at the contents of this thread.
So much so that I'm going to leave it now and go and paint my bust of an extermination camp SS officer, but then I've been putting off working on that blood lustful religiously fanatical Crusader bust as well, perhaps I'll paint that mercilessly murderous Julius Ceasar one I've been meaning to get to, or the Napoleon figure, geez it's a hard choice. I know I'll work on my Donald Rumsfeld bust,....oooh but wait that may be a bit controversial!
It almost seems out of place in the thread by now, but let me say I do like the sculpt and paint job of this one. Not my cup of tea as to subject matter, but I like the face a lot. It seems alive. Nice job Christos and Dimitrios!

By the way this thread has developed, it almost looks like we enjoy a flame war more than painting.

I'm shocked and stunned and much more than a bit disappointed at the contents of this thread.
So much so that I'm going to leave it now and go and paint my bust of an extermination camp SS officer, but then I've been putting off working on that blood lustful religiously fanatical Crusader bust as well, perhaps I'll paint that mercilessly murderous Julius Ceasar one I've been meaning to get to, or the Napoleon figure, geez it's a hard choice. I know I'll work on my Donald Rumsfeld bust,....oooh but wait that may be a bit controversial!
Safest way to go is to paint Donald Duck these days!!!!!
I ll take the nephews!!!!
The way this thread goes it seems that the "politically correct " concept will be introduced to our hobby ! So please lets go back on track !
It is 'just a hobby', but I think we must allow for the fact that some figures will produce strong feelings in those who themselves, or whose families and friends, have suffered at the hands of the figure that has been sculpted. We must also allow for the fact that modern sensibilities are different from those in the past, and that the further away we are in time from the figure modelled, the less offensive it may seem.

In ancient times, all civilisations had slaves. The Roman empire was built on slavery, but all Rome's enemies also had slaves. Today we regard slavery as being abhorrent, had we lived two thousand years ago, we may have had different opinions. I remain in two minds over the Templars, who were formidable soldiers, but whose religious fanaticism resulted in what we would today regard as war crimes. To some degree, one man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist. I think the main difference is that those who fight in uniform for their country against others doing likewise are usually acting honourably. Those who do not, are not.

As for the bust itself, it has been well sculpted and painted, as to whether it catches the spirit of the man, or his suitability as a subject, that has been more than covered by previous planeteers.

I'm shocked and stunned and much more than a bit disappointed at the contents of this thread.
So much so that I'm going to leave it now and go and paint my bust of an extermination camp SS officer, but then I've been putting off working on that blood lustful religiously fanatical Crusader bust as well, perhaps I'll paint that mercilessly murderous Julius Ceasar one I've been meaning to get to, or the Napoleon figure, geez it's a hard choice. I know I'll work on my Donald Rumsfeld bust,....oooh but wait that may be a bit controversial!
Oh, please dont leave out those noted warmongerers FDR, Ole Harry T, & of course JFK
I'm just catching up with this thread, here we go again !

Reminds me of the bashing German soldier sculpts get or dare I say it soldiers wearing SS camo or SS runes etc .. "You paint therefore you are .. " total BOLXXX ! Its the Marxists turn ! It's about time the Neg' brigade stopped posting or turning threads on painting MINIATURE figures in to political crap ! I'm not a fan of this chap at all but that wouldn't stop me painting him. The sculpt is the only thing I take In to account as most of the figures we paint are stained with blood. Some more than others ... If however this sculpt showed him in some cold blooded murderous slaughter of Inocent people, as was often the case I'd leave it well alone. I sympathise with guys like Ernest and others though, for who it's alot closer to home. Sculpting from more recent times you have to expect some body out on the World Wide Web could have been through or knows somebody, or are living with the after effects of such Regimes, etc .. These guys are genuine and have a right to voice there concern I think, BUT it is the Negative moaning here's another Nazi, murderer etc etc etc jump on the political he paints this therefor he is a .... Brigade that do my nut in and want Banning from ALL forums !

Sorry Tommi. And Christos I wish your new range all the best buddy !

I think that the bust is great.

I think that the discussion of the political side of the hobby is interesting and valid, but with no offenses.

I think that this thread is not the place for that discussion.

I think that "Historia" is one of the coolest names for a miniatures company ever.

And that is it.

Regards to all from Brazil
