"New" Scale 75 paints


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi guys,

Saw this on FB....all new formula and colours


They look like nice sets but my alarm bells always start ringing when I see something trumpeted as being "New formula" or "New recipe" because all too often that's code for "We are now using cheaper and lower-quality ingredients to save ourselves some money, but we are still charging you top Dollar".

"New" does not always mean "better" but this seems to be a common marketing ploy these days.

- Steve
Agree with Steve, if the scale75 paint's are as good as they are made out to be then why, if you have a product that is working well for you why start messing about with it? If it ain't broke why try to fix it? Perhaps Scale75 could elaborate on the New Formula thing.
Just my thoughts.

Always wary of new formulas , generally means the previous were lacking .
There are now more paint sets than figures , well almost :rolleyes: I see benches with fantastic rows of paints that would put a shop to shame :)
Must stop to count the cost in one of these super display work benches :D where we have a full range of model air , Tamiya , Vallejo model colour , fantasy , NMM,
life colour ,Andrea , scale 75 Red box ,green box ,blue , Black < white boxes and now lets have some more fantasy colours .
Forgot to mention Citadel and the humble humbrol then there is mr metal stuff .then there is this Unknown.png
Is a business people have to improve and invent new things to make money.
The figure I´m working at moment I will only use 5 colors: White, Black, Yellow, Red and blue, all Lifecolor.

I think thath this colors looks like Vallejo game color, designed for gamers that handel the figures, and for this reson they are more resistant, and the colors are more saturated.
I have some scale 75 paints and i realy enjoyed them, and i want to prove this line too.

Chees from Brasil
thank you guys because I just ordered the new colors to try out with everything else I own p3,citadel,vallejo,reaper and Coat d' arms paints now if I could only find the p3 paints .
I'm with Steve on this one, when I see New on a product I usually read it as Cheaper and/or, quite often, Inferior. The latest victim appears to be Fairy Power Spray. It used to be the best paint stripper on the planet, nay the universe, but now it's just smelly brown water marketed as "Low Viscosity Formula"
I have ordered few of the scale 75 color.range.
they are nice, good colors,especially the blue tones.
i am.not really thrill with the reds, they dry out very flat , almost chalky.
i have order the "new fantasy range ", criatures from hell 2 days ago.
i believe the say new just to introduce their fantasy color's range, like vallejo game color.
As soon as i receive my set i will post here my experience with the product .
I hate those words new formula :eek: when it comes to paints , and one of the main reasons to sticking with oils '"if it ain't broke don't fix it"
Humbrol tinkered with their stuff many moons ago and never recovered , Citadel is forever changing things so they say ; but is mainly re-packageing to snare the innocent youth.
And heavens above the powers at be have even messed about with oils , raw umber has totally changed from what I remember into what now could be used for axle grease .

So not happy with their range of excellent paints out comes more . I see racks of paints lined up like a battle formation from the Napoleonic wars , what next I wonder :rolleyes:
Perhaps individual nap sets with a five shade range for the line Guard inf ,cavalry and what about some nice seven shade horse colour sets ; now there is a money making idea scale 75