Okay, well you could always start by googling model clubs in your area. Slightly further afield from RH (but still not a million miles away) you have Welling Model Club, who are fairly well-known on the hobby scene in the UK and have some very talented members:
What are the best miniatures to buy? There's no single answer to that, and no right or wrong answer. It depends entirely on things like your own interests, budget and what you are looking to achieve. And do you prefer working with resin, metal or plastic? Do you want to paint full figures? Or busts? Or both? Fantasy figures or historical?
Some guys say buy the best (quality) that you can afford, because it's harder to achieve satisfying results on a poor figure and that could put beginners off before they've even got started. Others think the opposite and say it's best to start off with some cheap figures in order to hone your skills. Personally I can see the merits in both arguments.
This site is a gold mine of information and advice, you just need to search and dig around for the information that you're after. But there's still no substitute for practice, practice and more practice - many long hours of trial & error, success & failure, satisfaction & frustration sitting at your own work bench.
Remember though: Don't get discouraged if you mess things up (we've all been there, and as a painter/modeller you never stop learning) and if there's anything specific you need to know, there will always be someone around in here to give you suggestions, pointers and advice.
Have fun!
- Steve