New vBench


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A Fixture
May 22, 2005
Bavaria / Germany
Hello Friends,

I saw that the vBench has a new look. I think it`s very good to have all benches in one overview.

But I also have a little problem with the new organisation... I`m not able to see in wich bench are new I have always to wake trough all benches and that needs so much time...

Is there any possibillity to insert a feature like "new" or a sign like a star, or anything like that in front of a bench with new entries? I have no thoughts if that is possible...I just wanted to ask, because I think it would be more comfortable.

The best wishes,
At the top of each page on the right you will see "My Assistant" on this and then click on "View all new posts" and it will give you a page with all the new listings. When you are finished with each on your "back" button to go back to the new listings page.

Hope this helps
Thank you very much Guy, for your help.

The assistent is useful, ok....but the older vBench navigation was much more comfortable for me - it was easyer to find new entries. :( Just my opinion, and I hope you don`t hate me about this now....

Bets regards,
Guy, N like having ALL vBench members on one page. Now the question is, are we ever going to have some sort of chat feature on Pf? I know it was experimented with but that was all. Just curious.~Gary
Markus, the latest vBench's authors topics still appear on the top left column of every page, I cannot promise anything at the moment on having some form of an indicator as before, but i am investigating.

Gary, the chat feature was piloted and may return, however at the moment i'm struggling with other aspects of things under the hood :D
Originally posted by Markus@Apr 7 2006, 04:35 PM
Thank you very much Guy, for your help.

The assistent is useful, ok....but the older vBench navigation was much more comfortable for me - it was easyer to find new entries. :( Just my opinion, and I hope you don`t hate me about this now....

Bets regards,
lol......It was easier for me too. But we needed to make some changes due to the ever increasing growth on the planet. Its taking me a little time to adjust too. ;)

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