Hey, I'm new to the site, posted up my first piece today. I can't see a way to sign up to the vBench to post my WIPS can someone point me in the right direction, thanks in advance
First, click on the V-Bench, forum,.. .. then look at the top-right hand side of your screen, and down a bit.! ,.. Highlighted in blue should be 'Post new Thread'
Click on this, a pop-up, screen will appear! From here, type in your work a title! Such as 'Latest figure' .. or whatever,
Then post whatever, wording and or pictures, below your notice.
If you struggle let me know, and I will 'PM', you and walk you through this.
Ah Mark, Thankyou! I thought I saw when I joined that I needed to tick a box to join vBench, I didn't know what it was at the time so I didn't do it. Do you then just continue to add pictures to the thread as you progress with the project??