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Pedro Molina

Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2010
The iron Horse. Western Railroad
Metal, fotograbado y resina
Escala 1:32


The iron Horse. American 440 Locomotive
Metal, fotograbado y resinaEscala 1:32




The iron Horse. Wild West Passenger Car
Metal, fotograbado y resina
Escala 1:32



Two Rode Together
54 mm




Zorabeth Morning Mist
54 mm





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Geez, Andrea have been busy. The train is amazing but I bet it costs a packet. Love the other two as well. The Norman Rockwell figures are something completely different, so endeering, would be quite difficult to paint as well I would think!!!
OK, last month I was one of the complainers.
This month, I have to be fair, and say that these releases are much more typical of Andrea's customary output.
The train is another "mega-project". I will probably not purchase one, but that does not mean I can't admire the effort. It looks great, and will likely turn up in a couple outstanding dioramas within the next 12-18 months.
I agree with Jim above - Andrea continues to provide us these Rockwell-inspired gems, and this one pushes the bar even higher. Well done!
The Zorabeth mounted figure will not appeal to everyone, which is fine, but we have to admire the imagination and skill it took to produce this figure. I look forward to seeing some of these on tables next year.
So if we combine the past 5 releases, we have WW2 German, Roman, a big diorama project, a Rockwell and a fantasy piece. Other than Napoloenics, and maybe the pin-up girls, I'm guessing Andrea has serviced most of its major customer groups. Granted, not every one of these generated a pile of favorable posts here, but that alone isn't an accurate reflection of how well these items will actually sell.
I'm not recanting my earlier comments, which are more a reflection of my personal tastes and buying habits, but I'm willing to give a compliment when it's deserved.
So "WELL DONE!", Andrea, with this month's releases, and I will continue to look forward to your monthly announcements!
She definitely looks cold, she's turning purple :D
I like the rocking horse vignette, something different and challenging to paint and in time for Christmas :)
A nicely modeled train but not for me


Does the man on the rocking horse look like Hercule Poirot to you? Slightly darker hair and a dark waxed moustache. Ze little grey cells have some fun!
Got to admit, I love that train... unfortunately, my wallet won't allow me to buy a kit of this Iron Horse - matter of fact I expect enormous hospital bills one of these days ... :(
Gee, did I fly too often these months or has time passed so quickly? Felt like the stormy row that followed Andrea's last announcement was only days ago.

At 54mm, Morning Mist is very impressive. The horse could do with smaller nostrils, though, in my opinion.

Two Rode Together is a must. That series is just getting better and better.
I'm not recanting my earlier comments, which are more a reflection of my personal tastes and buying habits, but I'm willing to give a compliment when it's deserved.
So "WELL DONE!", Andrea, with this month's releases, and I will continue to look forward to your monthly announcements!

Well said and a fair point. People dont acknowledge this often enough.

To each his own but I really dont get quite why Andrea is attacked so very often, even outside the 'Hitler' territory. It remains a mystery why a business would continue to excel artistically in say the Pin-up series if seemingly no one favours them. I have bought my sixth or seventh kit from this series myself. I guess there's got to be SOME money to be made from it.

In general I think Andrea is the most adorable and spiritually true figure modelling manufacturer. To each his own.
Ese tren ( excepto el vagón de pasajeros amarillo ) tiene toda la pinta de ser el mismo que hace años sacaron a la venta con la referencia SG-S10, por experiencia propia con esa pieza ..... que Dios pille confesado a quien malgaste el dineral que cuesta comprandola ( encajes pésimos, rebabas inmensas, zonas con huecos tan grandes que había que rellenarlos con Evergreen) , en fin, una diversion total para el que le guste retocar piezas una vez compradas :confused:.

De las otras dos el viejo con el niño la veo muy graciosa y original ( algo que particularmente echo de menos en este hobby), mi enhorabuena a Andrea (y).

De la tercera pieza me quedo con el caballo.
Un saludo .
Like all three but wont be buying any of them.
the train will cost an arm and a leg and if its anything like the stagecoach will take a lot of time and patience.[am working on that one at the moment ]bought on ebay years ago for £55.finally got it out the box.
the train will cost an arm and a leg..

more like two arms, two legs a head and a torso...and your pet dog! Martin, what a bargain you got on the stagecoach.

But cost aside it's really a magnificent and visually stunning kit. Andrea make things others only dream about. It really is a great time for large scale models. Looking further afield than just figures, the past couple of years have seen the release of some stunning kits. T34 and Tiger II in 1/16th (Trumpeter), Mosquito in 1/24th (Airfix), Ju88 and soon to be released Heinkel 111 in 1/32nd (Revell).

Oh yes, it's a good time to be a modeller! (just wish I was a little bit richer and could actually buy them!)

Got to admit, I love that train... unfortunately, my wallet won't allow me to buy a kit of this Iron Horse - matter of fact I expect enormous hospital bills one of these days ... :(
Sorry to hear it I hope that you come right and that it isn't too much, best regards.:)