News from Alpine Miniatures - Aug 2021


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A Fixture
Feb 3, 2004

Hope all are safe and healthy!

Here are the new releases from Alpine Miniatures.
They are available now.

All in 1/35 scale.

35290 German Heer Panzer Ace
Sculpture by Taesung Harmms / Boxart by Dr. Jin Kim

35291 German WSS Panzer Ace
Sculpture by Taesung Harmms / Boxart by Dr. Jin Kim

35292 German Panzer Ace Set (2 figs)
Sculpture by Taesung Harmms / Boxart by Dr. Jin Kim


For more info and pics, please visit:

Thank you all!

Taesung Harmms
Alpine Miniatures
Where were you when I announced US figures in the past?

I dont know, I'm a busy man :cool:.
I not having a go at the figures, they are quality, but seriously, how many "German tank commanders standing in the cupola" do we really need?
The question/suggestion has been raised many times, why not diversify? German figures is ok, but how about a different pose? Eating? Maintenance ? Painting? Sleeping next to/under the tank? Radio operators ? Car/truck drivers? Troops loading a truck? Self Propelled Artillery troops Re-loading? Flak crews?
I've had some Alpine figures in the past, they are very nice.
"They will start shipping on April 28."

Is this a typo, or you really mean April 28, 2022?

Nice figures, as always from Alpine! (y)

I dont know, I'm a busy man :cool:.
I not having a go at the figures, they are quality, but seriously, how many "German tank commanders standing in the cupola" do we really need?
The question/suggestion has been raised many times, why not diversify? German figures is ok, but how about a different pose? Eating? Maintenance ? Painting? Sleeping next to/under the tank? Radio operators ? Car/truck drivers? Troops loading a truck? Self Propelled Artillery troops Re-loading? Flak crews?
I've had some Alpine figures in the past, they are very nice.

As Alpine is a business, there are way more important things to be considered when choosing new figure subjects than diversity.
As Alpine is a business, there are way more important things to be considered when choosing new figure subjects than diversity.

I'm glad that not all model and figure businesses think like that..
I'm glad that not all model and figure businesses think like that..

I am somewhat confused - your first post was about another WWII-German-subject - then you asked for more variations in the poses of the German tankers - and now you seem to suggest that Taesung should change his commercial considerations (what sells ...) when designing his projects.
What about leaving that to Taesung?
PF does not represent the majority of buyers in the market when it comes to tanks and related crew figures. Why arguing with a long-term businessman about his concept? Don`t tell grandpa how to raise a family...
Here is a nice review from the perspective of a modeller from another forum:
I am somewhat confused - your first post was about another WWII-German-subject - then you asked for more variations in the poses of the German tankers - and now you seem to suggest that Taesung should change his commercial considerations (what sells ...) when designing his projects.
What about leaving that to Taesung?
PF does not represent the majority of buyers in the market when it comes to tanks and related crew figures. Why arguing with a long-term businessman about his concept? Don`t tell grandpa how to raise a family...[/B]
Here is a nice review from the perspective of a modeller from another forum:

Because discussing these issues, on an open forum, with mutual respect, helps to improve our hobby. Without the feedback, and yes, sometimes criticism, we would still be building the same inaccurate kits from the 1970's, and painting the same figures. Teasung and Alpine have a fantastic catalogue of figures, and have a deserved reputation, but that doesn't mean that one can not comment on their product other than "wow, that's fantastic". I have a number of older Tamiya and Italeri kits of Halftracks and M3/M4 derived AFV's which want crews, and if Teasung would have more than the few British crews (three sets I think), I for one would buy them.
A forum is a place to come together to show, and discuss. If Teasung, and Alpine, want to use a forum to effectively advertise for free, they invite others to comment.
Henk, I support criticism if hobby-related. I missed obviously the hobby-related feedback in your posts - if it`s just about another Roman, Brit, German or whatever it does not help to improve the hobby IMHO. Over and out.