News from DrTekla Miniatures


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Jan 15, 2004
Hi all,

This is the first two figures for new line World War I
News July 2014

Tittle: German Soldier Infanterie-Regiment 133 , 1916
Scale:54mm DT35001
Price: 17 euro
Sculpted: Nino Pizzichemi
Painted:Juanma Vergara

Available from:
info: [email protected]

Tittle: German Soldier - 208 Infanterie Division , 1916
Scale:54mm DT35002
Price: 17 euro
Sculpted: Nino Pizzichemi
Painted:Juanma Vergara

Available from:
info: [email protected]

Best Regards
Rafal Tefelski
DrTekla Miniatures
Hi all,

This is the first two figures for new line World War I
News July 2014

Tittle: German Soldier Infanterie-Regiment 133 , 1916
Price: 17 euro
Sculpted: Nino Pizzichemi
Painted:Juanma Vergara

info: [email protected]

Tittle: German Soldier - 208 Infanterie Division , 1916
Price: 17 euro
Sculpted: Nino Pizzichemi
Painted:Juanma Vergara

info: [email protected]

[URL=] [/URL]

Best Regards
Rafal Tefelski
DrTekla Miniatures

Nice the second figure.
When do you think have more bases available in your website?


It is extremely rare that over the fates of individual German soldiers of the First World War is something known, but the case of the soldier in the sheepskin coat we know some more ...:

His Name was Karl Heinrich Berthold Schönert, he was born on the 22nd of January 1885 in Dresden where he had worked as a industrial machine operator before the war started.

Serving in 12th coy of LIR133, he was killed in the Battles at Styr-Stochod by a headshot on the 27th of June 1916, about half a year after this photo was taken. Stochod and Styr are two of the four major rivers of Ukraine.

He was married to Gertrud Pfefferkorn with whom he had three children.

After recieving in military training in Posen he was was transfered to the front on the 15th of October 1915. From the 28th of October to 1st of May 1916 he took part in the fighting on the upper Schtschara-Serwetsch and from the 7th of June 1916 up to his death he fought in the area Styr-Stochod. On the day of his death he was hit by a rifle bullet that pierced his helmet and killed him instantly. He was buried (with other comrades) “below three oaktrees next to the road to Linievka”. His brother Karl Peter, was killed on the same day in the same battle.

I was expecting these figures to come ....after seeing the magnificent posts by Juanma.
Martin, my respect for the info that you provided!
I've managed to strike a deal as the sole UK retailer for this range, so they will soon be joining Tommy's War in the trenches!

I'll add them to the website when I get stock, but if you're interested in either (or both) of the figures then drop me a line and I'll be able to gauge interest and refine the order.

It's not been my intention to stock other ranges of figures, but as these are WW1, sculpted by Nino and cast by the same caster from Tommy's War there was clearly enough synergy to bring the two brands together.

I'll be bringing them to Euro, and can't wait to see them close-up!
I'm glad you like it
Thanks for the feedbeek.

Very interesting and useful information page thanks
Best Regards
Rafal Tefelski
DrTekla Miniatures