News from EVD


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For goodness sake Pedro people have tried hard to lighten the tone of this. The puppies, kittens and Beavers tangent was such an attempt.
Why do you keep personalising it. Your change of avatar is in my opinion a deliberate act to be insulting and provocative to other members who exercised their right to express themselves freely.
You want it but you call others who do it names and small minded.
Should have left well alone after EVD posted clearly explaining their position and how they manage such images on their site.
Apply some good grace and leave it alone.
I AM A MEMBER OF THE PLANET THIS FIGURE SINCE APRIL 2008 ALWAYS PRESENT and have always admired this forum because their freedom of expression. Lately, new members joined and others who were here already appearing... trying to shut me up and trying to subvert certain issues that are quite personal to me...and changing in other cases the genesis of this will never get what you want...
I think the forum should continue as it is in this moment, maybe my mind is ahead to certain members (innocuous members) that hang here like mushrooms in the forest with small brains to judge my decisions and my acts.
This thread is tagged with NFSW according the site rules and if you let your children surf in web alone you are a irresponsible parents... but as I know this is an excuse to somehow restrain this forum and thus get some credit.

Porn is personal to you? Regardless, none of this was a personal attack on you at all, but the subject matter. The people have spoken, and its not in your favor. You have your own blog, is that not enough of a forum to post such subject matter? Since you have an opinion that you have expressed concerning those that aren't in agreement with your personal taste in figs, I will share mine with you. I am no prude and I have no children, so neither of those apply to me. There is a big difference between nudity and what was displayed here. Though some have their objections even with nudity, by in large, its accepted as long as there is a warning up front that its "NSFW" or whatever, and its accepted as tasteful. Tasteful can be interpreted differently by people, but there is a level of nudity that people will accept. What was displayed here was well beyond that. In my opinion (since you have stated yours about the subject and the people who oppose it), I have to question the thought process of those who...dabble... in such things, just as you question them for not. Miniature porn? Really? Its the same "WTF" reaction I get out of people who enjoy "torture porn" movies, Manga comics and pulling the wings off insects. To put in more succinctly, in the words of Justice Potter Stewart;

I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description ["hard-core pornography"]; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it ...
For goodness sake Pedro people have tried hard to lighten the tone of this. The puppies, kittens and Beavers tangent was such an attempt.
Why do you keep personalising it. Your change of avatar is in my opinion a deliberate act to be insulting and provocative to other members who exercised their right to express themselves freely.
You want it but you call others who do it names and small minded.
Should have left well alone after EVD posted clearly explaining their position and how they manage such images on their site.
Apply some good grace and leave it alone.

Derek as you know I respect you VERY MUCH and I will follow what you told me to do but I have to write something more.
Did you are stupid? You are not!!! Nevermind my avatar ;)
I notice a clear tendency to block freedom of speech and block this content... and I do not allow that...
If I have offended??? is because I was also offended somehow. Adjectives is what I used to classified some pathetic folks here and that is what they are...

I think a few particpants should cool down a bit.

I for one have no problem with the subjects being posted. I even venture in that area as a figurepainter.
Im however of the certain belief that no one should have that type of picture forced upon them.

My recomendation is not to take different opinons as insults or determine whether other Figureteers are your enemies or friends.
People can very well respect each other and also be friends even if the opinions in a few matters differs.

Dont add injury to insult and make it worse. Im pretty sure we can come to an agreement how to deal with such subjects. As I posted earlier, a good way is to post the link instead of the picture, with a warning in text and especially not have the picture as a preview. Should there be a majority demand for ban, so be it but I think that we would lose a part of the hobby and I would like to think there is room for everyone. Because we all know there are other subjects as well that comes with mixed feelings.

Janne Nilsson
Pretty damn clever idea this. Post images of a new product, I assume on behalf of the company, then when members express their criticisms/opinions/reactions then call those members pathetic & stupid. I'm not sure how this approach helps EVD but I've a pretty good idea how it might damage their business to some degree.

For the sake of everyone isn't it time to stop the last word rush and close this thread.

I'm torn between both sides.On one hand people feel children shouldn't see this and I agree but I bet a lot of people would be surprised of what their children already know.Second what is the most kind of figures people put on here, people who kill,soldiers.I have a cousin who is horrified if her daughter sees someone naked on tv but doesn't have a problem if she sees someone being pulled apart or eaten it a horror movie,come on,really.There should be a special section on this forum for this type of art and yes a lot of people think of this as an artform.It would be restricted and you would have to prove your age to have access to this section.I went on EVD's site to see what the big deal was and to be honest these figures do nothing for me.
Pretty damn clever idea this. Post images of a new product, I assume on behalf of the company, then when members express their criticisms/opinions/reactions then call those members pathetic & stupid. I'm not sure how this approach helps EVD but I've a pretty good idea how it might damage their business to some degree.

For the sake of everyone isn't it time to stop the last word rush and close this thread.

Im assuming he represents EVD? I dont know,but his attitude alone has lost my business with them .
evd definitely will not lose me as a customer. have many excellent figurines, Romans, and Greeks. I respect even pedro as a model, but I do not 'like how he respond.alwajs would be solved if he deleted the post. i mean is the time to closed the controversy

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