PlanetFigure Supporter
Claude - I refer you to my earlier comment
I do believe someone not a million miles from PF has been working on something like this for a while now. If it continues all be it slowly, it will be worth the wait, and everyone that wants one will be able to buy it.
Yes it does sound interesting but let's be honest, short of cloning ourselves or discovering the elixir of eternal life, most of us have already got more in our stashes and "grey armies" than we'll ever paint, and more & more superb new releases keep appearing on such a regular basis that it's hard to keep up. So if we miss the occasional "limited edition" - why worry? It won't be long before the next "must-have" is making demands on our wallets.
As far as the "limited edition vs. normal production run" is concerned, I can see both sides of the argument. But as I said before, it would be nice to see these painted up, it's far too nice a set to remain hidden away and buried in stashes.
- Steve
...edit... What with the cutbacks, and trying to reduce the army from 102,000 to 82,000.....edit.
Buddies! .. I'm so sorry.. But yes.. It's a SOLD OUT... as I said is limited edition... Very limited, in total were 20 copies...
Ricard, I don't know if the officer is available, is a different project not managed by me, maybe the Sapper.. For sure the infantry-man the wall and the French not.