November, December and January Darklands releases from Mierce Miniatures


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Jul 19, 2013
I've checked and noticed these haven't been posted as yet - Mierce have put a lot of their 1st Kickstarter funded minis out for general retail. Here's what's available:


So much has happened since the last news article, it's difficult to know where to start! We've held another very successful Kickstarter project - Darklands: First Edition - of course, the cracking Darklands Painting Competition (through those lovely chaps at WAMP) has now finished and we shouldn't forget our original Kickstarter project, Darklands: A World of War, either, which is very close to being fulfilled!

Even so, such snippets of news are not the main focus of this snippet of news, because we need to tell you about the eight new releases for November, which are already available for you to buy. These include the incredible Penda the Bloody-Handed on foot by Jacques-Alexandre Gillois, two more Angelcynn releases (Cearl the Werwulf Thegn and Osgar the Duguth champion), the last Norse Troll from his unit (Nisurl) and some fanastic Ysians, including Hedroc of Carn Maen, another Bow-Drune and the Ax-Drune unit!

Again, thanks to us being busier than busy bees over the past couple of months, we've simply not had the time to get the release art and descriptions done; but you can still see some good images of each miniature on the website. The November releases are, of course, available for you to buy right now!

Penda the Bloody-Handed on Foot

Sculpted by probably the finest sculptor alive today, Jacques-Alexandre Gillois, from concept art by the peerless Stefan Kopinski, the incredibly detailed Penda the Bloody-Handed miniature (painted by the brilliant Sébastien Picque) represents the king of the Miercna, the people of Mierce, and is a double hard so and so thanks to being part-wolf and part human. Penda really is a superb miniature, a piece of art piled with detail upon detail, and very nasty to face in Darklands to boot. Watch out for the mounted version next month...!


Cearl, Werwulf Thegn

Cearl is a cracking miniature and the very first of our Angelcynn Werwulfas (werewolves to you and me) and was sculpted by Benoît Cosse from a drawing by Christophe Madura. Cearl is a Werwulf Thegn, a warchief fully capable of commanding hosts of wulf-kin or, indeed, humans that are too scared to say no to a ten foot tall monstrosity. That'll be most of them, then...


Osgar, Duguth Wolfborn

Here's an awesome thing: the first miniature from the awesome Duguth, a unit of spearmen for the Angelcynn! Osgar is the unit's Champion and thus an experienced warrior, especially as the Duguth represent oldbeards, veterans of many shieldwalls. Osgar, like all the Duguth, was sculpted by Juan Navarro Pérez from a concept by Des Hanley, and they are all fantastic miniatures!


Chaagmuth the Jaw-Taker on Foot

Chaagmuth the Jaw-Taker, that awesome Gabrax on a mighty Toracx, is now in foot form - or should we say, hoof...! Sculpted by Benoît Cosse from a concept by Stefan Kopinski, Chaagmuth is a cracking little miniature and, of course, can be a warlord to lead your host of goat-men!


Nisurl, Troll Warrior

Nisurl is yet another superb sculpt by Allan Carrasco from a concept by Stefan Kopinski and the last Troll Warrior to be released from the unit of five, which will appear in January. These guys look hard and hit hard!


Hedroc of Carn Maen, Battle-Drune

Stéphane Simon, the sculptor of Hedroc, just gets better and better we think: he's really made the Ysians his very own, just like Danny Cruz who has drawn the concepts for most of them. Hedroc is a perfect example of a cracking concept perfectly executed in miniature form - a chain-wielding warrior who looks mean and will paint up superbly.


Piran of Carn Dinas, Bow-Drune

Like all the Bow-Drunes, Piran was drawn by Danny Cruz and sculpted by James van Schaik. He's the fourth Bow-Drune to be released and he's just as good as the rest, if not better... these guys really are some of James' best work for us.


Axes of Carn Maen, Ax-Drune Unit

With the last of the five Ax-Drunes released in August, it's time to release a unit of them! The Axes of Carn Maen release contains all five Ax-Drunes - Arthyen, Branok, Canan, Talan and Mawgan, all sculpted by Juan Navarro Pérez from concepts by Danny Cruz - and brings them together for both ease of purchase and a cracking discount. The unit of five retails at £34.99 whereas buying them individually costs £50.95, a discount of over 30%. Every little helps!


All of the eight miniatures unveiled here were officially released on the 2nd of November 2013.

There'll be another news article later on this week detailing December's eight releases as well as a couple of code changes and details of forthcoming price rises, too, so watch this space!


Now that November's miniatures have been digested, it's time to give you December's new releases - many of which are from our Darklands: A World of War Kickstarter project - as well as news on a few code changes and (the horror) some unavoidable price rises, we're afraid to say. Not to worry, those price rises won't take effect until the 1st of December, so you've time to take advantage of our current prices!

So what's new for December? Well, we have the absolutely superb mounted Penda the Bloody-Handed, the rather lovely Wulfhere the Fane-Bearer and the awesome Beornred the Duguth Fane-Bearer, all for the Angelcynn; the first new Khthones miniature for a while in the croccy-shaped form of Vókkinak, Krokodar Roarer; two new Norse miniatures, Kjartan of Jylland and the very juicy Gamla Bror; and lastly, the last of the Bow-Drunes from the unit of five, Tyack, and all five Sword-Melusines gathered together in a unit!

Just like last time, thanks to us being busier than busy bees over the past few months, we've just not had the time to get the release art and descriptions done; but you can still see some good images of each miniature on the website.

Penda the Bloody-Handed on Horse

Sculpted by probably the finest sculptor alive today, Jacques-Alexandre Gillois, from concept art by the peerless Stefan Kopinski, the incredibly detailed Penda the Bloody-Handed miniature (painted by the brilliant Sébastien Picque) represents the king of the Miercna, the people of Mierce, and is a double hard so and so thanks to being part-wolf and part human. Penda on his horse Fram is an amazing miniature, another piece of art piled with detail upon detail, and very nasty to face in Darklands to boot!


Wulfhere, Fane-Bearer of Mierce

Wulfhere is a minor lord in his own right, an Ætheling, the son of Penda and heir to the throne of Mierce, and he proudly bears his father's banner into battle to inspire the warriors of his country. Sculpted by James van Schaik from a concept by Des Hanley, Wulfhere is sure to keep your host on the battlefield and ready to fight!


Beornred, Duguth Fane-Bearer

The second miniature of the five-man Duguth spearman unit, Beornred is the unit's Fane-Bearer and an important cog in the wheel of battle, a warrior that has seen it all and come out the other side with fire in his belly still, and the advantage of his experiences. Beornred, like all the Duguth, was sculpted by Juan Navarro Pérez from a concept by Des Hanley, and they are all fantastic miniatures!

Vókkinak, Krokodar Roarer

Megalávrá has a friend to keep him company - Vókkinak is his champion's characterful banner bearer and a mighty warrior in his own right! Both come from an eventual unit of five, drawn by Christophe Madura and sculpted by Benoît Cosse.


Kjartan of Jylland, Raven Bearer of Hrafnen

The Norse releases keep going with Kjartan of Jylland, a cracking little miniature sculpted by James van Schaik from a concept by Stefan Kopinski. He really does look like a grumpy old git, which means James has captured his essence perfectly - after all, he has to lug a huge great banner around and he's getting on a bit!


Gamla Bror, Troll Gothi

Gamla Bror is Allan Carrasco's first miniature for us in a good long while, but the wait has definitely been worth it because our Troll Gothi is a superb, awesome and fantastic miniature with a ton of detail and character. That's down to Stefan Kopinski too of course, who drew that detail on the concept, but Allan really has pulled him off masterfully!


Tyack of Carn Dinas, Bow-Drune

Tyack is the last of the Bow-Drune unit to be released and, like all his mates, he's bloody awesome - because he was drawn by Danny Cruz and sculpted by James van Schaik, of course! Except for the forthcoming unit release, that's that for the Bow-Drunes, but rejoice in the fact that the Ysians, at least, have a missile unit!


Swords of Ys, Sword-Melusine Unit

The last of the five Sword-Melusines were released ages ago, of course, so it's about time we got around to releasing a unit of them really. Sculpted by James van Schaik from artwork by Christophe Madura, the Swords of Ys - comprising Kernsa, Tecass, Esyld, Alianne and Ygerna - retails at £34.99. Buying them individually costs £50.95, a discount of over 30%!

All of the eight miniatures above will be officially released on the 7th of December 2013, but you can pre-order them here to your heart's content, of course!

There'll be another news article later on this week detailing December's eight releases as well as a couple of code changes and details of forthcoming price rises, too, so watch this space!


January's Releases

The releases from our Darklands: A World of War Kickstarter project continue apace with eight more for you all this month, including more Angelcynn, the first Khthones, Norse and Ysians - and we've also releasing the first Darklands Token Sets, so that you can get your games running more smoothly!

In terms of miniature releases, we have the lovely Cynemon and Kenelm for the Angelcynn, Ssibyros and Mneriiss for the Khthones, Brynhild Gunnblindi for the Norse and three units for the Ysians - collecting the Bow-Drunes, Goad-Drunes and Brutes!

Just like last time, thanks to us being busier than busy bees over the past few months, we've just not had the time to get the release art and descriptions done; but you can still see some good images of each miniature on the website.

Cynemon, Wiglere of Mierce

The Angelcynn get some wizardry this month with the release of Cynemon, Wiglere of Mierce! This grumpy old git, with his concept by Des Hanley and sculpted by James van Schaik, is a cracking little miniature with a great deal of character. You can almost see him eating mushrooms...

Kenelm, Duguth Horn Blower

The third miniature of the five-man Duguth spearman unit, Kenelm is the unit's herald and blows his horn to keep his unit in line. Kenelm, like all the Duguth, was sculpted by Juan Navarro Pérez from a concept by Des Hanley, and they are all fantastic miniatures!

Ssibyros, Gorgonarchon

Ssibyros - with concept by Christophe Madura and sculpt by Stéphane NGuyen van Gioi - is a Gorgonarchon, a warlord for the Khthones and more specifically the Gorgones. He's a beautifully detailed miniature with ornate armour and a host of unique features!

Mneriiss, Harbinger of Khthon

Vilthiss and Issithill gain a friend this month with the release of Mneriiss, the Gorgonar unit's herald! Like his mates, Mneriiss' concept was drawn by Christophe Madura and the miniature was sculpted by Stéphane Simon. Expect more Gorgonares over the coming months!

Brynhild Gunnblindi, Gythja of Hrafnen

Brynhild Gunnblindi is a superb miniature for the Norse, sculpted by Juan Navarro Pérez from a concept by Des Hanley. Part of the Hrafnen's crew, She's a Gythja, a priest of Odin, and she is not to be underestimated for her power is formidable.

Bows of Carn Dinas, Bow-Drune Unit

With the last of the Bow-Drunes released last month, we can now give you the unit of five together, comprising Morcum the champion and four other warriors - Kenan, Ennor, Piran and Tyack. Sculpted by James van Schaik from artwork by Danny Cruz, the set of five (retailing at £34.99) gives you a discount of just under 30% from buying them individually, which would cost you £49.95!

Goaders of Ker-Ys, Goad-Drune Unit

Sculpted by James van Schaik from artwork by Danny Cruz, the Goaders of Ys package together all three of the Goad-Drunes - Gwilherm of Ys, Judoc of Carn Lann and Perig of Carn Wrach - for £14.99, thus saving more than 30% from buying them individually!

Brutes of Ys, Brute Unit

The last of the five Brutes were released ages ago, of course, so it's about time we got around to releasing a unit of them. Sculpted by both Aragorn Marks and Grégory Clavilier, from artwork by Danny Cruz, the Brutes of Ys - comprising Gulguta, Lugung, Uggurd, Muldo and Nung - retails at £79.99. Buying them individually costs £99.95, a discount of almost 20%!

Darklands Token Sets

It's taken us a little while but we've finally organised a Token Set for most of the realms of Darklands, thus enabling you to command your units in style. Each set includes five ATTACK Order tokens, five MOVE Order tokens and five HOLD Order tokens, all in lovely burnt-wood flavour!

All of the releases above will be officially released on the 4th of January 2014, but you can pre-order them here to your heart's content, of course!

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