A Fixture
So I have been looking for a project that would serve to sharpen my skills and break me out of a bit of a slump and rut. I was looking at all sorts of projects and came across this figue at a local shop. 54mm Space Marine. He fit the bill. It will in some ways be like model building and figure painting combined, and I liked that. The figure is form a Games Workshop game called "Inquisitor". Since I do not play 40k I felt like this could be a project that could be a lot of fun. So here is a photo of the basic figure The first picture is of a stock painted Marine I found on the net, and the next few are my first attempts to repose him. This is the first round and may change. Most of the change came from just rotating his torso and re aiming his gun. It makes him more off balance. as if he is charging out of cover rather then head long straight at you. This way he is leading with his ranged weapon. He is really heavy and needs to pined to a much more solid working base.