For Sale Numerous figures and busts


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A Fixture
Jun 5, 2004
Hi All
It had to come ,but after 40+years ive been painting figures /busts ,i'm giving up painting at the grand old age of 77.I have a large collection of primed,partially painted and painted stuff i'm selling cheap.
Theyre all without a base as ,as since covid etc,i havent entered any into a competition.I think Euro Militaire was the start of my interest waining.I still kept painting up to a month ago,then i lost total interest in my beloved hobby.I kept buying figures /busts but never finishing them.
I'm not selling them for the money's sake but would like them to go to anyone who will appreciate them for little cost.
I havent posted any pictures yet as i thought i would wait to see if there,s any interested.
Brian (supersnad)
Brian, well that wasn’t good to hear that you’re giving it up. Always been a pleasure to see your work over the years. Understand your reasons though. Will you be down at S&L next month mate?
Certainly be interested to know what you're looking to pass on Brian. Got a few things that I'd like to have a go at . . .

I'm always interested in your stuff Brian, especially the primed and part painted being poor :D
Hi Brian

Not a easy decision but we all are so grateful for the pleasure of seeing your wonderful artwork

Do hope you’ll keep looking into PF to see what’s happening

As for interest ..mine would be busts

If you need help with pics etc msg me

Come on Brian, take a rest and then get back to what you love doing and are amazingly good at. As you know we are the same age and like you I find motivation wavers from time to time but in those times when I get down to painting (less prequently these days) I find it a wonderful relaxation.

See you at Sword and Lance in a few weeks mate.

Always interested in your work Brian. The pieces I already have are a never ending inspiration and are studied constantly as I paint. Looking forward to more....
Here we go.They,re all original and complete,some primed ,some half painted and some painted.Anyone thats interested please let me know and i'll give you a very fair price give you a fair price .

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Hi All
It had to come ,but after 40+years ive been painting figures /busts ,i'm giving up painting at the grand old age of 77.I have a large collection of primed,partially painted and painted stuff i'm selling cheap.
Theyre all without a base as ,as since covid etc,i havent entered any into a competition.I think Euro Militaire was the start of my interest waining.I still kept painting up to a month ago,then i lost total interest in my beloved hobby.I kept buying figures /busts but never finishing them.
I'm not selling them for the money's sake but would like them to go to anyone who will appreciate them for little cost.
I havent posted any pictures yet as i thought i would wait to see if there,s any interested.
Brian (supersnad)

I’m very sorry to hear this news Brian,that must have been a tough decision to make,I myself sometimes find it hard to get motivated,I thought once I’d retired it would be non stop painting,but it hasn’t worked out that way for me,I’m thinning my collection down now of painted pieces I’ve done in the last 25 years and they grey army has to starting moving away as well,I’ll be putting my own grey army stuff on here shortly,I hope you’re keeping well mate,I do miss Folkestone and the banter we used to have,take care Bri
Hi Brian
I;m only selling the ones that never got a base,then i completely switched off for no reason other than i wasn;t enjoying it as much as i used to.I'll keep going to the shows though,and i've been dabbling in small scale tanks just for fun.Here's a bust i forgot to include.
