Nutsplanet`s new product line, 75mm full figures!!


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Mark has a good idea ...but can someone refresh this Mr Thicko ..what does NSFW mean again?

This release looks even better after another look!


Nap, this was initially used as Geoff correctly says as a "Not Safe For Work" label implying that it is reserved for content which is a little controversial and which may include nudity or other such content which may cause offense to a content warning.
Because it's a red tag and draws attention to it and some may be excited by the titillation of a precautionary label it's now in common use for new product announcements by manufacturers and retailers.
Perhaps it's time an appropriate label was put in place specifically for new product which is just as eye catching but doesn't infer that the new product is of naked nymphs dancing around a statue of a toga clad Tony Dawe.

BTW....if anyone was wondering yes I have other interests,....besides having an interest in livestock diseases, I like to collect wallpaper samples.....cheers.
Shame, baffles me why the NSFW tag is included. shouldn't detract from a beautiful figure though. This is a good release, nothing about it is run-of-the-mill.
Nothing like having your best friend move stuff! This is a great piece and I'm in total amazement as to how well this duo is portrayed. I agree with Nap that while this pooch may be of dubious pedigree he is beautifully sculpted. I'm crossing my fingers that these Nut's Planet dudes come up with some American troops from the War of 1812, war with Mexico, Indian wars, etc... Well done gents (y)!

Damn I see another recruit to my grey army. SWMBO won't bring impressed after my little splurges at Montrouge and Stresa!! Beautiful figure!
What a great initial figure on what we can only hope is a series of similar figures. Depending on whether you can see the coat flaps or not, this could be painted as several of the French regiments that served in Canada. A future purchase for sure!
A Frenchman in a scarlet tunic - that must have caused a little confusion on the battlefield! A beautifully sculpted vignette.

Hey Nap, I can understand why you didn't know what NSFW meant. Since we've retired we don't understand anything about work!!
A Frenchman in a scarlet tunic - that must have caused a little confusion on the battlefield! A beautifully sculpted vignette.


Given this is described as a Frenchman in Canada in 1760, the red waistcoat would have been part of the uniform for the Artois, La Sarre, Bourgogne, Cambis, Guyenne, Berry, and Bearn regiments, worn under a white coat. Le Royal - Artillerie had all red uniforms except for the blue coat.
The button pattern on the coat suggests Bourgogne, Guyenne, Cambis or La Sarre, though none of these had a coat with white cuffs.

And, yes, this is a great looking figure which the gray army will likely draft.