Purchase order done!
All praises were already told, I just would like to empathize what I said previously and I'm going to use the sculpture photograph:
when it comes to represent real people, young Ahn Jun Sik is clearly a step above competition. This chap is so perfect, at first glance it looks the real Damian Lewis with a primed gray face.
Certainly, another classic is born. I thought about opening a new topic labelled "
what character should Ahn Jun Sik do next", but to keep highlights in this miniature and generate visibility and sales (the essence of any company and the essence of motivation too) I will just give my suggestions right here, in the hope this line will grow as it deserves to grow!
I would love some of these to follow up: Matt Damon first scene in saving private Ryan:
With Barnes already done, it would be quite a challenge to represent the last moments of Sargent Elias in Platoon iconic scene, but I personally think Ahn Jun Sik would be the perfect sculptor to nail an amazing miniature:
Mark Whalberg and Taylor Kitsch Seals in the delicate "Lone Survivor" recent drama:
And William Fichtner Delta Force character at Blackhawk Down. Room to Josh Hartnett role too:
So many iconic movie characters still not kitted! I wonder how many did I miss!
Cheers Nuts, reward well your sculptor! He really deserves it!