A few years back, Roger sent me a little film clip of a day boating on the North Sea in gentle swells. Every 30 seconds or so the camera pointed at blue sky alternating with grey metal floor - blue then grey; blue then grey. From time to time the horizon also turned sideways, alternating direction.
Lost my copy. Do you still have that Roger?
While I was in USAF and later when I was with Union Pacific Railroad, I used to dread cocktail parties and similar social gatherings, because invariably I was asked, "So, what do you do for a living?"
I did roughly the same thing for the military and the railroad - workplace health and safety - so that's how I'd answer the question. This brought only clouds behind the eyes of the listener; no lights.
50% would then make their excuses and depart, most of them to the bar.
The remaining 50%, being made of sterner stuff, would ask a follow-up, "Well, uh...what does that involve?"
Best estimate, 10% really wanted to hear an answer and the remainder were just being polite.
Answer: "In our repair shops, during track and signal (or runway) repairs and during our operations, industrial chemicals are used, potentially hearing damaging noise is produced and maybe even some ionizing and/or nonionizing radiation may be emitted. I measure employee exposures, assess and control risk and communicate results with management and workers." [I had this little monologue memorized complete with facial expressions, changes in speech volume and tone, hand movements, etc.]
About 5% responded with something like, "Sounds fascinating!" and meant it (I think.) This was often followed up by, "How do I get into that job?"
The balance looked longingly at the bar, checked their watch and/or said something like, "Hey, there's ______, I've been trying to see her/him all week. Excuse me."
I got so fed up with these responses, I once tried, "I'm a Parapsychologist. I do psychic research and investigate the paranormal."
Now that was a fun party!!!
Retired since 2013 and thoroughly enjoying life.
Cocktail parties hold no terror for me now!
All the best,