Hi Gary;
I think those look really good. I especially liked the highlander bust and Napoleon. Part of the problem of really seeing these may be the photos, which like my recent posts, are a little washed out due to direct light. I need to work on that myself. But fortunately, I am in a unique position to make a more careful study of your work, which I hope to do at the Rocky Mountain Model Club show in Calgary this May. I try to come down for that show (from Edmonton area) every few years so hopefully we can meet and exchange some ideas? It's hard for us in this part of the World to connect and exchange ideas in this hobby...there aren't many of us doing figures out here, so it's really great to welcome another Albertan into the fold. While I'm at it, you may want to check out "The Small Soldier" model shop in Calgary, the owner, Scott, is a great figure sculptor and painter. Cheers and see you in May.