Dan Morton
A Fixture
Pretty much complete. The biggest item left to finish is the Mannlicher carbine. That's coming along nicely - better than I had hoped! There are all kinds of buckles to add to the reins and related leather gear. And the horse particularly needs a thorough clean-up and a close check of all the seams to see if I have them all covered properly. I see a few places that need sanding. A couple more week-ends should see it all finished, I think.
The horse is one of the Dragon kit horses. The head and boots are from either Michael Roberts or The Lost Battalion (can't remember). The hands are from Verlinden. Can't recall where I came by the sword. The stand is papier mache, covered by pumice resin. I plan to add some grass and rocks, maybe a small tree(?). I used MagicSculpt and Kneadatite mixes for most of it.
Hope you like it!
All the best,
The horse is one of the Dragon kit horses. The head and boots are from either Michael Roberts or The Lost Battalion (can't remember). The hands are from Verlinden. Can't recall where I came by the sword. The stand is papier mache, covered by pumice resin. I plan to add some grass and rocks, maybe a small tree(?). I used MagicSculpt and Kneadatite mixes for most of it.
Hope you like it!
All the best,