Review Officer Cadet from Modena Academy from DG Artwork


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi to one and all

follwing on from the 1st two release in the Academy series we now have the 3rd which is what I will be looking at here.

It was announced by DG Artwork here:


With the previous 2 being reviewed her:

with all 3 together:


The release depicts a female member of the military academy at Modena in Italy , and is a fitting tribute to those brave female members of the armed forces of Italy and also to all other countries fairer military.


Modena is in northern Italy and a very beautiful city in its own right the academy was originally the Ducal palace a truly beautiful building , also there is a museum with many military uniforms and artifacts .





Continued in next post

Details of the release:

Title: Modena Italy Military Academy

Series Title : World Military Academy Series

Reference: DG12B009

Scale: 1/12th

Material: Gray Resin

No of parts: 4

Sculptor: Dae-Hyeong, Kim

Box Art: Dae-Hyeong, Kim

Again as with the previous 2 releases and indeed all of DG Artworks release the resin was held in a good strong box black on colour with excellent box art in well produced colour .

DG 001.jpg

Parts consist of Main Torso , head, cap and plume​

DG 002.jpg


As expected very little to do :

Torso...Level off underside of torso( 2 casting remnants ) and cut away excess resin on actual base
Head...Remove small casting blocks from under neck and bun of hair
Cap...Remove casting plug from rear , on review a casting slip needed sanding
Plume...Cut off small casting piece and fit to front of cap

General ...Wash , Dry and Prime

Main Torso

This is most certainly a female officer cadet and her charming features are well sculpted but not overworked , adding to the obvious charm of the piece.

The uniform is nicely sculpted with the folds and creases all softly done , across her right shoulder we have a sash , this again shows good folds etc in relation to the body shape.

DG 008.jpgDG 003.jpgDG 004.jpg

Just below the collar we have the parachute wings and the crest of the university , the details on the wings are clear both on the actual chute and the wings themselves .

The shield has the scroll underneath and the crown above again nicely sculpted , the actual shield itself is blank allowing the painter to do the design easier in my opinion.

We also have on the collar piping at the lower edge and a star , all nicely worked and with the actual collar being slightly away from the uniform.

DG 007.jpgDG 006.jpgDG 005.jpg

On the epaulettes we see 2 rank stars , the undercuts on the actual straps are clean and sharply done as is the piping around the edges , the stars themselves are clear and well defined .

The neck area is bevelled in towards a hole ready to take the actual head .

DG 010.jpgDG 009.jpg


This is a young female looking straight ahead with her lips slightly opened , the features are delicate , a slightly pointed nose cheekily shows , nice work on the nostrils and the mouth area .

Eyes and ears are sharply worked with no casting flaws , the eyebrows are slightly raised , under the chin we have the cap strap with the buckle on her left , very accurate in shape and casting .

DG 017.jpgDG 012.jpgDG 013.jpg

The hair is pulled back in a very smart bun , textured well and giving the bust another dimension in the hairstyle.

DG 016.jpgDG 015.jpgDG 014.jpg

At the lower neck we see the shirt collar which sits well into the neck and above the actual uniform collar.

Fit to the torso is easy and with no issues .


The shaping of this cap is spot on , very accurate is style with the correct edging in position , the cord is very well sculpted and cast with the correct design twist , the badge itself is a nice detail and one which is very distinctive as seen in the reference pictures I have provided.

DG 019.jpgDG 020.jpgDG 021.jpgDG 022.jpgDG 023.jpgDG 024.jpg

Fit to the head again no real issues except a swipe of filler might be needed where it meets the hair.

DG 025.jpg


A good sculpt of the plume with the plume being slightly bent in movement , the holder is the correct shape underneath we have the cockade , oval in shape with a cut out ready to fit easily to the front centre of the shako cap

DG 026.jpg rear view

Final Thoughts

This is a good addition to the series , the depiction of a female cadet is nice to see , the sculpting is very good with the prep being minimal and together with the colour scheme of the facings a striking piece will result , you can of course also paint the uniform in the white version as well which would make a particularly striking version alongside the darker one .

Presentation is as always with DG artwork very good indeed and the result = a quality product.

I am sure there will be others in the series hopefully a companion female .

Well done DH and DG Artwork

Thanks to DG Artwork for the review piece and to you all for looking in .

For more information why not visit the website at
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or PM them via PF .

Happy benchtime


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