I've joined the flat painting virgins with this 120mm flat from Ken Farrar. This one depicts a 2nd Lieutenant of the Royal Engineers WW1. The face is near enough, the rest just blocked in.
Andrew, I might be able to help you out with some retailers. Ken's flats are available directly from him or El Greco. Another good retailer is http://www.fredericus-rex.de/
If you drop me a PM of what subjects and size figures your interested in I might be able to help further. It will better than hijacking Carl's thread further I think.
I won't be make a move from throwing paint on to rounds just yet Roger. But I can say, there will be more flat WW1 subjects to come.
Thanks again everyone for taking the time to comment,
Looking good Carl , I think with this pieace you will have to decide at which direction the light source is coming from and add more highlights on the side and some deeper shadows on the other , unlike our little round friends these flats need more suggestion , I think you know what I mean .
So when did Ken bring this one out ?
So they are called Flats. I'm going to have to look into the specifics. Is it all right if I show you something? I don't want to be rude and post a pic in your WIP thread so I put some stuff in my gallery if you want to see it. But I think you'll get a kick out of it.
We call 'em chachki's/Tchachki's (don't ask me, I didn't come up with it), medallions, tiles, bas-relief and every once in awhile someone makes a medallion you can hang as an ornament.
So I'm gonna be a butt-in-sky and join you guys when I get a chance to paint one of mine.
My apologies, Carl, I don't mean to hijack your thread. This is going to be fun to watch.