A Fixture
Originally posted by fsdesimone@Feb 25 2004, 02:00 PM
is Aves Clay supposed to have a dry, brittle consistency to it? I have some and tried to use it the other day, but it was extremely hard to mix. And when it dries it's all grainy. I suspect I just have an old batch and that's the problem, but I'm not sure.
Welcome aboard Francesca

The Aves I have used doesn't behave that way:
I have a mail ordered a 5lb batch 6 months ago and still is very smooth, I also have a 2oz set that Bill Chilstrom gave to me that is smooth as well...
the 5lb batch i have is the "Cream" colored variant and is must frustrating to work worth becuase of its' translucency! and now I use it only for really big stuff
the smaller 2oz. is the "White" color and it is much more opaque
I must say howver this is the Aves Apoxie® Sculpt not the Aves Apoxie® Clay; they bill two seperate products...
I've never used the Aves Apoxie® Clay
The Aves Apoxie® Sculpts' consistency is that of Hubba-Bubba bubble-gum freshly chewed on a hot summer day
