Jim Patrick
A Fixture
Yes I am listening and yes I have been following this thread. YES!!!!!!! I will!
Big Country
Big Country
I dont think thats really needed since the Digital cammies for the USMC are a different cut BDU, Plus they where wearing MOPP Gear till they got to Bagadad, which is still in the 3 color desert camo.Originally posted by Pete_H@Feb 2 2005, 10:25 AM
I'm already practicing my 1/35 "digital" painting
I feel your pain!Originally posted by wolfpack_60@Mar 3 2005, 03:05 PM
I am currently trying to construct digital camo on 1/35. Most difficult obstacle is the size of individual pixels. Little clusters aren't difficult, but when the individual "pixels" flake out and intermix, I have not been able to keep them from looking like little bubbles or warts on the uniforms. So, I stopped using paint brushes, and started using a needle head dipped in paint. The results are a little better, but not much. I think I am slowly going blind.....
Currently, the three major new uniforms - CARPAT (Canadian uniform) MARPAT (USMC) and the new ACU (Army copy) use the exact same patterns, but different colors. MARPAT and CARPAT differ in thier shades of green, but are quite similar. The Army ACU has no black, and is trying to be a jack of all trades. The ACU has no black or dark colors in it, instead using green-woodland, grey-urban environments and sand brown-desert. I assume that the soldier's Outer Tactical Vest (OTV) body armor carrier will soon follow these patterns, but I have not seen one yet.
"They" - the so called experts - claim that "Black is no longer useful on the uniform because it is not a color commonly found in nature. The drawback to black is that its color immediately catches the eye". Well, I've been in for twelve years, two wars, and I see the color black in my environment (which includes urban ones) all of the friggin time! I'm not a big fan of that idea, but I gotta wear what they give me, I guess......
Anybody try it and have more success? I am seriously considering laying a base of paint down and trying to shrink custom decal in the "pixels", since it's quite difficult to get them into scale. Been away from modelling for quite a while, and need some help and advice......
Henry Malinverni
Who was doing the Insurgents? I'm looking foward to seeing how they're coming along...
Yep, I've put my MARPAT Marines on hold...until I see how Bill does his. I've come up with some very interesting looking schemes.....unfortunately, they require a vivid imagination if you want to call them MARPAT.Originally posted by wolfpack_60@Mar 11 2005, 10:23 AM
Bill has awesome skill......I can get paint out of the bottle 9 out of 10 times without dropping any. I think his efforts will reap better results. Besides, I am beginning to beleiv ethat you are correct. At 1/35, Effect is easier to achieve than actual replication. With my feeble skills, anyway.....