Originally posted by Marijn Van Gils@Jun 13 2005, 10:56 PM
Hello Calvin!
How was the "honeymoon" in Spain? Hope you enjoyed it!
During transport, your figure broke down in every possible place, but I think I managed to tape it together quite nicely. Well, with the exception of the lost pieces of course...
Just kidding! It is safe and sound in my glass cabinet!
Wow, great stuff!
Sculpting is beautifull, but so is the painting (and the groundwork, as usual!). Must have been fun to paint another camo-scheme for a change, no? :lol:
Maybe, the figure with the crossed legs looks like it could have an even more relaxed look if it would be leaning against someting. Time for a vehicle perhaps?
Congratulations wth this beautifull work.
Best wishes!