Oils Paint Colors for a Starter Set?


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Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2008
Flat Rock, NC
After a long hiatus I am thinking of getting back to painting. My old oil paints pretty much dried up. I can't even get the tops off of most of the tubes. Not wanting to spend a fortune on new paint, I don't want to get every color available but would rather get the basics with which I could dreate what colors I need. Considering that I usually paint fairly colorful subjects, such as Napoleonics, what colors would make a good starter palette?

Note: In the past I usually used Grumbacher or Winsor & Newton oils and am also considering using the water mixable variety.

My palette comprises of the following (all W&N tubes): ivory black, titanium white, burnt umber, raw umber, burnt sienna, yellow ochre, cadmium yellow, alizarin crimson, scarlet lake, cadmium red, prussian blue & french ultramarine. You can get most shades by mixing these.

I hope this helps.

All the best,
Hi there

A BIG welcome to PF and the world of figures , I use water soluable Oils from Cobra ...along with my beloved Acrylics !

Reckon Elia has just about covered the colours ...nice one little lady !

Happy painting


PS if you search PF plenty on Oils , brushes etc PM me if I can help further .
I would also go along with Elia's list and would also include a tube of Naples Yellow.
I'm actually looking into my box of paints just now and thinking why did I buy all those. Keep it simple, not only does it keep costs down but you learn much more about colour mixing and light and shade.