Old Favourites


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A Fixture
Oct 21, 2004
Here is a theme which may be interesting as a discussion.A while back I enquired if anyone had the old Aquila 90mm Kit 90P-AN02 Celtic Chief,sadly with no results but also I advertised the fact that I had a number of old Figure-Kits for sale and recieved loads of Mails with enquiries and also found out that there were a lot of "Jewels" I had there that collectors had been searching for(Kirin,Roll Call,Tiny Trooper etc) It is always a pleasure when one helps someone else in achieving the goal of aquiring their "Dream Piece" as I know what a let down it is when you wait too long to purchase that certain figure,only to find out that the Company has ceased trading (Poste Militaire,Almond,Mike French) or the figure was taken out of the Catalogue (Kirins120mm Pieces).Why not ask the members of PF if there is that old Figure Kit out there collecting dust,which someone else might be dying to paint ? Lets hear it,do you now long for one of those old Extinct Figure-Kits ? And if so why ? I personally,aside from the above mentioned Aquila Celt would also love to find the old Barton 90mm mounted Landsknecht,since seeing it once again so masterfully painted by Roc here on PF (even though I had one some years ago but parted with it,thinking I could buy it again later....Wrong !!)
Hi Peter
A Kit I would love to aquire is the
Bust of Custer Mike Good sculpted for
Kirin which I believe is a great representation of the man

If anyone has one that for any reason they would want to part
with please get in touch ......as I would be interested in doing a deal

Originally posted by custer760@Feb 9 2005, 12:41 PM
It is always a pleasure when one helps someone else in achieving the goal of aquiring their "Dream Piece"
... By the way, Peter, you really did help me acquire a dream piece. ;) It'll take me a year to paint it, but I'm a happy man.

I'm not sure how old 'old' is but... some figures that come to my mind are Andrea's 'Black Prince at Crecy', Imperial Gallery's "Colour Sargent of the Cold Stream Guards in the Crimea", Pegaso's 'Mongols!' (the 2 fig vignette) and a bunch of the Tiny Trooper Zulu war figures...

I have been trying for ages to get hold of two figures and would love to add these to my collection

1. I&E Miniatures - French Revolutionary Officer 1776
2. Almond - 95th Rifles standing firing his rifle

Both very rare, but I will keep trying, unless someone somewhere on the planet has them and is willing to part at a fare price......... :)

The figures I would like are

Poste Militaires Conquistador.
Roll Calls Ensign with the Battalion Flag.

I have swaps and will pay a fair price.
