A Fixture
A few well made points here Gary. The 'ban' on flying the St Georges cross to represent England and all of it's cultural mix simply plays right into the hands of those extremists who are incapable of recognising any worth in an individual other than the colour of they skin or the version of god they we keep getting told, it's supposedly given us a burst of national pride (whatever being "British" means these days given local government won't even let you fly the national flag from your house and display a St George Cross at anything other than a England soccer match and by default you are deemed to be 'racist' or a BNP voter?) and of course, the athletes did it all for their respective country (insert as applicable) and not themselves! I do wonder when the money starts rolling in to their bank accounts just how many of them will voluntarily plough back some of their own money into projects & groups who help young kids aspiring to the dreams and standards they have reached and which, here in the UK anyway, were possible for them by sponsorship via the taxpayer and national lottery funds? Let's see if the "Olympic Spirit" or individual and corporate £/$ greed prevail eh.
Local Authorities in England are no different from those in Scotland where many have banned the use of the term Christmas at school parties incase it offends children from other religions. I have a few moslem friends and a moslem brother in law and they don't give a monkeys t*ss whether Chrismas is celebrated or not, as far as they're concerned its another party for their kids. Some nurseries have banned singing Baa Baa Blacksheep......honest.
As to the atheletes see Mikes post, unlike many top footballers who have a much longer career and consequently the potential for much higher earnings, a lot of the atheletes currently and post retiral do and will contribute to the development of their sports.