Oh yeah, if Gary would do a Podweil (I have some nice pics as reference, Gary hint, hint) that would be outstanding. His weapons are so well done. Maybe if we get some more praise going he might be moved to indulge us
I love the FP War and have studied it considerably to the point where I have invested a good deal of money in securing many wonderfully illustrated (and expensive) books of the period from a French militaria importer I know from New York. I really should scan the images from these unique books and share them with you as you (and probably Wayne as well) would really appreciate them more than anyone else I know. Too bad we don't live closer
As to going to MFCA and Chicago, yes I am going but unfortunately not with these FP War pieces

I plan on revisiting the period once I get through the projects I already have planned for the year. I have learned a great deal more about the period and subject and have some better ideas that are more in keeping with the scratchbuilding style I have been trying to develop recently. I very much enjoy the efforts you have done with the period and look forward to seeing them in person and getting a chance to talk with you at length. Keep it up as I am a big fan.
I must tell you a funny story about Bill Horan. I remember many years ago on MMHQ forum there was a discussion about the FP war by some of the members and at that time Bill was just starting to get interested. In one of the only times I have ever seen Bill participate in an online forum he expressed his burgeoning interest in the period and one of the members said, "Oh come on Bill don't to that. Some of us still like the period!"
Nevertheless, I must say that there is room enough for all of us and I think Bill would be the first to agree wholeheartedly.