Oniria Miniatures new release: "I've seen things...


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Feb 29, 2004
Villa del Prado

Title: “I’ve seen things…
Scale: 1/12
Sculptor: Angel Terol
Painted by: Jfepiriz
Material: Resin (4 pieces)

Now available here:

Hi all,
Ok, we know we have really stepped out of our comfort scale here, but we could see no other better way to tribute and portray this legendary character. We hope our small scale fans do not feel “betrayed” in this occasion, but there is always a first time for everything (and probably not the last ;) )
Thank you for your support




P.D.: Sorry to duplicate the thread but I can't edit my previous one
Can't really say anything against it (although the format and scale are way beyond my interest zone) and the reason of course (besides being a very nice sculpt and as far I can judge a fine cast too) is that IT'S RUTGER HAUER simply one of the best actors alive at the moment.A note for the companies and aspiring sculptors:I have been waiting for ages for someone to take up the challenge and produce a 54mm figure of Rutger as Martin from the Verhoefen's Flesh and Blood (only one of the best films ever, from a time when Paul was shooting real films and not Hollywood flicks).By the way this film is higly recommended for all figure modellers,it's historically very accurate (taking place in western Europe or more likely north Italy in 1501 A.D) and there is even a mercenary captain named Hawkwood (no doubt inspired by the legendary personality that acted in the same area albeit a century earlier).An absolutely fascinating work of historical fiction,full of drama,action and loads of historical details from renaissance Italy.

Cheers guys

....a note for the companies and aspiring sculptors:I have been waiting for ages for someone to take up the challenge and produce a 54mm figure of Rutger as Martin from the Verhoefen's Flesh and Blood (only one of the best films ever, from a time when Paul was shooting real films and not Hollywood flicks).By the way this film is higly recommended for all figure modellers,it's historically very accurate (taking place in western Europe or more likely north Italy in 1501 A.D) and there is even a mercenary captain named Hawkwood (no doubt inspired by the legendary personality that acted in the same area albeit a century earlier).An absolutely fascinating work of historical fiction,full of drama,action and loads of historical details from renaissance Italy.

I completely agree with you Oda. Don't know if commercially viable but that would be a great figure. We don't think we could release it because I don't see it working in small scale and we don't want to divert too much off our normal path.

Blade Runner was first a book by Philip K Dick :Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? in the 60ies
The same who wrote Man in the High Castle and adapted lately on Netflix in a short serie with the same title ( has to be seen )
Adaptation of other works : Total Recall, Minoritty Report, Paycheck etc ....