WIP Critique Oo spilled me mead then ?


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A Fixture
Mar 6, 2012
West Mids
Very basic flesh tones/eye work started on this rather nice bust from MDC a very under rated business IMO http://www.modeldesignconstruction....odelDesignConstruction/_mdcc1131/484356/Erick The breastplate was done using Grants very nice SBS for boots http://www.planetfigure.com/threads/leather-boots-sbs-any-leather.58613/ suitably tweaked for a breastplate, and is about done till finishing off time. Stupid cough I can't shake off has stopped work for the minute :hungover: but as ever all thoughts and comments welcome (y)
Looking good. Like the idea of using Grants boots technique for the breastplate. You're a glutton for punishment going for fair hair.
Great expression on this guy, allows for a very dramatic effect on the face.
I agree about MDC Products, they've got some excellent figures, fantasy, historical, and some Steampunk all at remarkably good prices.
They supply Mr Hobby Colour Metalizer which I use thinned down, mixed with oil paints and stippled directly onto white metal.
Also good straight from 'tin' to give a nice flat metal base on resin.
Man Up :D it's a cough. Double whisky, same amount of hot water, tablespoon of honey, juice of half a lemon and one soluble aspirin.
Drink the whisky and throw the rest away :D
I'm actually going for ginger hair Del :nailbiting: the hair colour is sandier than it looks in reality it's the old Citadel Vomit Brown :eek: Cheers for looking it over Del
Looking good Steve! Nice work on the breast plate. Ginger hair is a challenge for sure... a bitch at 54mm, gotta be a horror at this scale. I used washes of Vj Red Leather and Mahogany Brown with Goldenbrown highlights.
Seems Del uses the same cough remedy as my old man :wacky:
I will follow this one
Cheers Colin as I say any credit on the leather breast plate belongs to Grant's SBS Thanks for the mix for the hair I'll cobble something similar together from my paints (y)
Lol cheers Steve lol I'm warmer on that than I am in the car with me skull mask and leathers on :sneaky: Get some funny looks at the shops mind
Thanks Keith (y) Hows married life mate ?
Hi Steve,
Married life will not start until Saturday. I will let you know how it is when I get back home .
I have been in the UK for three weeks now......no sculpting, no painting etc etc. I did have a good day researching a forthcoming figure at the NAM facility in Stevenage yesterday though.
Keep up the good work Mate.
Now the Bubonic Plague seems to have subsided I've gingered him up a bit, thanks again Colin for the mix ideas. He is a bit more ginger than the pic but not a lot